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Errors in Script; Not sure what they mean or how to fix...


I'm trying to create a custom HUD with its own font and colors. I'm following a tutorial video given to me by a former college instructor (he made it). I followed everything he's talked about in the video thus far, but I'm coming up with errors.

Here's a screenshot of the errors:

After clicking on each error, 2 of them highlighted the DefaultProperties name and nothing else. The third error took me to the UnrealScript.targets file and put the cursor here: <Ucc UccToolLocation="$(UccPath)"

Here is the actual code for this file (MyGameInterfaceHUD.uc):
// HUD Creation

class MyGameInterfaceHUD extends HUD;
var MultiFont Myfont;

// HUD Creation

function DrawHUD()
// Text Creation
function drawGreeting();
	Canvas.SetPos(200, 300);
	Canvas.Font = Myfont;
	Canvas.SetDrawColor (135, 206, 250);
	Canvas.DrawText("Welcome to my game of nightmares!!");

	Myfont = MultiFont'UI_Fonts_Final.menus.Fonts_AmbexHeavyOblique';

Where am I going wrong? Did I miss something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • alfalfasprossen
    you have a semicolon after the drawGreeting function header. maybe thats it
  • Raptor-chan
    That did seem to be it. A typo on my part. However, now I'm getting a warning that says:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\PixelMine\UnrealScript.targets(0,0): Warning : The script file 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Development\Src\Girod_Lisa_W2_Src\Classes\MyGameType.uc' is implicitly included in the build, but is not part of the project.

    I use Visual Studio 2010 and Pixel Mine's nFringe with the November build of UDK. Since this is a warning and not necessarily an error, should I be worried about it and if so, how in the world do I fix it? -_- Any help would be awesome! Thank you!
  • alfalfasprossen
    i don't know how nFringe works, so maybe they have a project structure where you should add your file?
    (something like "add existing file to project" or so...)

    you can ignore the warning, but maybe shouldn't
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