Been working on this Alien environment for a couple of months.
I decided I need to learn Zbrush and CE3 so I felt this type of project would be ideal to learn how to create some good organic and natural looking pieces as well as work on my texturing.
I want to really crack on with this and get it done soon so thought putting it out there will push me. Been working hard the last week so hopefully I can keep this up.

Lighting is not final, well lots of stuff are not final and are not in, but I've got a good idea for where I want this to go.
The tree plant things on the right also appear to be almost floating, and the ground parallax will no doubt worsen the effect when the camera moves. You could cover up the base with some sort of bush or something else to hide where the tree sits on the ground, or find another fix for it. Good luck with the rest of your scene!
For me, the first (negative) thing I noticed was that all of the colors seemed pretty monotone. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that per texture, but rather the color palette of the entire scene is a bit repetitive and doesn't really lead the viewers eye anywhere. Also, the textures seem a bit noisy/muddy. It is mainly with the ground, the surface of it is kind of indistinguishable. It's kind of hard to tell whether it is a muddy/soft squishy ground or if it is a hard eroded rock surface. I would suggest taking a few steps back. Focus first on selling the type of surface it is, than add details to make it more appealing. Just don't overdo it or you will end up with muddy non-readable textures.
As far as the color palette of the environment as a whole, I would recommend trying to work in some complimentary colors in (other than the sky). Maybe some kind of green or blue vegetation. Nothing over bearing however, you don't want a small little plant to be the hero piece because it sticks out so much.
Also, terrain doesn't automatically cast shadows (just in case you have any elevation on any of your terrain off screen), and the console command is "e_gsmCastFromTerrain=1". Also, about the plants look like they're floating, it might be worth trying turning on ssao to try to sell them being a little more grounded. It's console command is "r_ssao=1".
Keep it up!
One thing that bugs me about CE3 is how textures never seem to look like they do outside of it. In Photoshop I'll have a texture done but the colour and brightness is always off. I end up having to stack a few adjustment layers to play with the brightness and hue to get textures to look how I want in engine. Bit of a time waste.
Just some progress on my walls. I decided to go with a mesh for the walls and the floor instead of trying to use the terrain editor in CE3 since I get way more control over how things look this way.
Obviously the downside is less experimentation but I'm happy with the direction I'm going right now with the walls/floor.
So far just using my cleaned up rock texture but will work on a dedicated floor texture later.
Looking forward to some more progress.
An update since it's been so long. I've really wrestled with the ground and the walls and decided to take a break and add a tree in there. Might make a texture and detail the tree before I go back and deal with the floor and wall textures again.
Played a little with the lighting but I've not dug really deep into it. Don't like the super dark shadows at all, and it seems bumping up the GI multiplyer doesn't seem to have much effect on the walls or floor but everything else brightens like crazy.