I can't do this :icon15:
No way is it possible for me to overcome this autodesk madness, I tried and failed and I don't even want to work with it anymore. I feel like I have to use a dated program because "it's industry standard" and I don't understand the logic behind this. Modo is stronger at "this" and weaker at that and that's it, is that how shallow the argument is? or is it "just use what your comfortable with" and get on with it.
3ds max put me right off 3d in general a few years back and modo has made me love 3d, ok maybe my head works better with modo but 3ds max is the "standard" and it's is like being stuck in a rut. A bloody picky interface over a fast and effective pipeline that makes the difference. I am not having a go at 3ds max users but the interface is an arse to use and I can't get with it. That's it: I just can't get it together with 3ds max and I would like to. It's not possible because it is so small and pernickety.
Sorry to be ranting but there it is, maybe I am spoilt due to modo but with the 701 release on the way I think it's going to be even more refined, an evolution of 3d software that was/is needed, if only the game engines would realise it's potential and support it (ce3 hint hint)

Whats up with this whole A is better than B... ? Those are just tools. No point in rant. Just use it and create stuff... Last thing those softwares needs is fan boyism.
There is nothing weird in 3ds max. It's still tools like extrude, bevel, connect, bridge. Still polygons, edges and verts. It's not engines that should do anything. They are open to lots of formats. It's rather Luxologys decision if they want to make Modo more game art friendly.
Just create in whatever fashion you like.
I know many of you love max and I see the work your doing with it is great but my head wont work with it. The reason I need to use it is the ce3 export plug but every time I start working on something I have exported out of modo I break out in a cold sweat. Maybe I am just not ready for it or I am not cut out for it.
There's an external fbx exporter for ce3 and it works pretty good with modo.If you go deep and try to use modo as sole modeling application for game-art pipeline then you'll be succeed.I know some people already doing that.You'll need a few handy scripts though.I can't imagine using modo without aid of scripts.
fbx exporter:
pipelineIO script(for export-import to xnormal we really need a tutorial for that :poly121:)
I was looking into the pipelineIO script and it looks like a "god send" and it would be nice to see a tutorial for it. My problem is modo and ce3 have the possibility to work hand in hand on all levels just like max and as Cry-Ruan has stated to me "the entire RC is based around COLLADA" and you also have the Lua scripting, fully supported in modo !!!
We have this awesome game engine and very little support for modo which imo is an awesome 3d app and I would be willing to pay well for a decent plugin for modo to cryengine (I know I am not alone on this). Crymodo should be in the pipe line but Unity seams to have attracted luxologys attention and I do understand that direction but I have worked with unity and ce3 has a major edge on it.
I just want to get my work into an engine that I really can work with and ce3 has a fluid workflow, it's a massive learning curve for me after 7 months of extensive modo and mudbox training to start learning max but hats off to you guys who can work with it but I can't get my head around it the ui intimidates me.
I have been using the fbx exporter and it works well but all that goodness from the cryexport plug is not there and fbx can be hit and miss.
I know I should not vent my frustrations here but there it is.
This kind of thread is pointless in many ways. First... the screen shots between Modo and Max above don't really have any 1:1 relevance. For the screen shots to mean anything, you should use the same character and the same tools.
Modo may be a better fit for you. And for your brain, it may work best. You even said it: "maybe my head works better with modo". Fine. But what value is it to slam a piece of software simply because your brain doesn't work that way? For many people, the reverse is true. For my particular brain, Max has always been very straightforward and logical. I really enjoy the Max UI.
All of us have different ways of approaching things in life. It is good that there is diversity in all fields. I won't be buying Modo, etc, because I can always do what I need in Max and never feel there is something that cannot be accomplished in Max. But I love this art form in general and enjoy the fact that there are many avenues for many kinds of artists to pursue their craft. Find peace with your way and appreciate the ways of others.
It's all about learning the tools, the first days/weeeks/months it will be horrible and you will always be thinking how much faster I could this in program "x" but once that is over you will get up to speed and not even think about it
I find 3ds max just as good as other programs, I will give modo that it has amazing modeling and uv workflow
Exactly my thoughts too... It all matters on personal preference and what gets the job done. Do whatever you think is good for you and move on, no need to get all "ranty" about it.
ColladaCGF- http://sourceforge.net/projects/colladacgf/
This allows me to rapidly prototype, check scale etc etc.
All you have to do is install ColladaCGF, Python, and PyFFI( http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyffi/?source=recommended ). Save a .dae from modo navigate to the file within explorer and right click and run the Convert to CGF option. It will create your mesh material and a physics proxy(which is a duplicate of the rendermesh[great for environment stuff because you don't need to make proxies to make sure you can run around in it!])
PipeLineIO is an essential tool until they add in the ability to use cages in modo. It's so easy to use. one button, bake.
Edge Smoothing Scripts- http://forums.luxology.com/topic.aspx?f=83&t=74986
This helps to make sure i never have any issues with edge smoothing and really makes modo's horrendous smoothing group tools worth a shit.
Moya- http://www.jacobobarreiro.com/jweb/scripts/?did=25
This is for when I'm all finished I can just click one button and send my file into modo all ready to go perfectly transferred across
Then finally!!!!
Haven't messed around with this at all but it seems really useful.
Hope some of that helps I know it helps me a ton.