I wanted to do a proper full environment for a while, so decided to just go for it.
This is probably gonna turn out quite hard, so decided to make a thread for it, and hopefully fix things as I go.
Based on a concept by john park:
Main goals
-Get a better understanding of UDK/materials and making assets for levels
-Try to properly light stuff
-Make awesome environment (the hard part:)), I don't have timeframe for this, I'm just doing this between other things, so I'm not gonna rush it.
Where I am at now:
-Basic blockout
-Played around a bit with some basic materials
-Took a couple of things a bit further to get a better idea of the overall look and sizes
-Proper/more detailed blockout, since getting those robot arms in the nice places/lengths and the walls are otherwise probably gonna cause problems.

Think I got most of the big stuff done, but if anyone sees things that are just off, let me know.