Hey to all,
I was wondering if there is an easier way to navigate the WAYWO threads on PC?
Basically, I would like to make it so that I only see posts that have their own attachments/links/images in them and not replies. Kinda like a 'gallery' mode if you will?
I tried changing around the display mode, but it's not what I'm looking for since they still show sub replies.
Again, I guess what I'm asking for is an easy way to get an all out 'gallery' mode kinda thing for the images only in the threads, kinda like an archive thing? Especially among the hundreds of images in WAYWO thread.
[edit]Too slow![/edit]
Much appreciated, didn't know about that awesome link, cheers!
However I forgot to mention that I would like to do that to also older WAYWO thread (or specific threads). CR seems to limit itself to about 3 months of content per stack.
It's still an awesome site, mind you, up in my bookmarks now!
@Haid: I'm not too well versed in Prog. Lingo, but if I understood you correctly, that code will parse out link to all the images in the thread?
which results in this. Interesting that theres skype icons but i dont see them o.O Might look into better ways to parse the html though hopefully i wont get bored halfway through haha.
Edit: just realized i forgot to check for quotes XD. Changed that haha