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Low poly arcade style cars wanted

Hi, I'm looking for someone to create 4 or 5 cars for an upcoming rally game. Our spec is shown in the image below, any more questions please ask.

We are creating an arcade style rally game - the images below come from Sega Rally 2 which is a good example of the look we are going for. Bold, colourful arcade style consistent throughout the group of models.

The 2 final images are cars we have used in the past - for a tri count reference. As the spec says, the wheels are separate objects with front and back faces, so please bear this in mind with the tri count.

I would provide the blueprints for the cars. Just out of interest some of the cars we have in mind are : lancia delta, lancia stratos, subaru impreza, peugeot 205, ford escort 70s style, ford rs200, lancia 037, audi quatro (we'll chose 4 or 5).

I would like to make a start on this fairly soon, the deadline being approximately three weeks from now.

Please quote for the work - we would finalise this formally before any work was started. Also please send examples of any similar work or vehicles (obviously we understand if you haven't got anything quite as low poly or in this exact style).

Thanks, and any questions please ask.




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