Hello Everyone,
I'm currently a graduate student learning 3D modelling and game design and after being inspired by the open nature of this forum and workshop I've decided to start using what spare time I have to make custom items for Dota2.
Hopefully this will help me learn the modelling tools faster as well as adding some cool (hopefully published) material to my portfolio.
I figured the best way to motivate myself to follow through on these projects would be to have a WIP thread where I can get feedback on my designs.
So for my first item I decided to make a Meepo Weapon I am calling the Riftshadow Spade. The handle portion will be wooden with a small hand-wrap towards the bottom. The spade itself will be made from a bluish gemstone material which will hopefully read as the riftshadow crystal from the Meepo lore page. Here are the early concepts:
Here is the triangulated base mesh in Maya and a nicer image in zbrush ready for scultping:
Feedback is most definitely welcomed.
and general rule of thumb for Zbrush sculpting is to send your models in quads rather than a triangulated mesh. It's also helpful to have even topology to aid with subdiv sculpting, a loop or two along the handle and blade would fix that right up. Unless you plan on going the dynamesh route, then disregard this