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Demo Reel DONE!!

Hi folks!

After many sleepless months I am pound to show my demo reel to the polycount community. Any suggestions and all feedback is welcomed as this would be my only professional feedback other than what friends have told me.
I would like to thank the people from polycount who helped me with the poses a month or so back.


Also if anyone knows, what are my chances to get hired by a AAA studio without any prior video game experience?

Thank you




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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Very nice job man. Quite honestly though, I feel like the female character is your best one. I'm curious to see if others agree that she should be the first character in the reel. The guy you have right now, looks alright but either the lighting or the spec needs tweaking. Maybe both. I would consider re-doing his armor as they looked like they were sculpted to look like rock, not steel. And his eyes, he seems dead inside. Maybe put a different facial expression? I don't know. I'm no character artist but that's what I would like to see improved. The second dude, holy crap that's a lot of detail! Pretty sweet man.

    It looks like you did these turnarounds in Marmoset?? If so, turn down the bloom a bit. On the female one especially her skin is practically glowing and bouncing off her nose.

    Oh and yeah, it will be very tough to get a job at a AAA game studio. There is a ton of talent out there right now. But if you're work is top notch, they'll hire you. Keep at it, you're off to a good start!
  • Beastacular
    thnx gobee, i am also curious to see what others think now. from the brief comments i got it was guy, alien, girl so i went with them in that order. i do agree with u in that the armor does need a slight touch up.
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Hey Man, good job on finishing a reel ! I should really put myself seriously in doing one.
    The reel itself is good, the presentation is clean, the music is not too energetic but not boring.

    On the characters though, they seems to have the same level of detail everywhere, so the eye can't really focus anywhere. Some areas should be a little less detailed to help the eye to focus on the interesting parts of your models.

    But again good job man, and congratulations. ;)
  • Beastacular
    thnx abrvpt. dont wait get that reel done! it was a huge weight of my shoulders when i finished it. ill keep ur detail comment in mind about my next characters.

    on another note i was hopin to get a lil more feedback from you guys :)
    help me out here, 300+ views n only 2 comments? any and all comments are welcome. anything, first thing that comes to mind etc..

    thnx in advance
  • Space Cadet
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    Space Cadet polycounter lvl 7
    Nice work! If I could make a suggestion, the feet on your female character appear quite thin from certain angles, where the arch is in particular feels very thing. The shoes appear to be somewhat like a stack-heel boot, like these
    which are thicker around the arch area for support
    Anyway good job and good luck :)
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    congrats dood, but the one suggestion i have is pull back on the noisy details. Give the eye some rest spots. The first character practically has scratches everywhere! and the second's armor is hard to read. too much noise.
  • Lavitz
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    Lavitz polycounter lvl 12
    Congratulations on getting your demo reel up, I'll be getting mine up within the next few months.

    I'm repeating what quite a few other people already pointed out, but I feel the textures need to be toned down in terms of scratches and busyness.

    Specifically you want to strategize where rips, rust, scratches, and cuts would be on your model so that they aren't everywhere. This will help with giving the viewer's eyes a place to rest on your model.

    Here's the kind of scratches I mean:
    You can see the paint scratched off best on his knee armor, and the armor on his gloves. This will also help when making a Spec map, where you can increase specularity in those areas.
  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    Some good feedback so far, so I'll just +1 the texture detail suggestions.

    As far as presentation, I'd suggest holding on the construction/info text for a bit longer. Like 6-7 seconds-- give us enough time to glance through it, then we can pause it and take in the text and map details before moving on. Otherwise, that's a good presentation! Good luck on the job hunt!
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