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Female body study

Hi I need your help polycount.
Currently I'm sculpting this to try to improve my understanding of human anatomy.
Using these as my main references:link1 link2

Any feedback and correction is very welcome.
Also I'm especially struggling with the anatomy cross-section, anyone can point me to some good resources?
Thank you!

current progress:


  • PelleK
    Offline / Send Message
    PelleK polycounter lvl 7
    Doesn't look too shabby too me. What gets my attention though is that the muscles and bones in the area around the neck (collarbone and up to the bottom of her head) are very pronounced. you see that even on a very skinny girl such as the one in your referencepictures those areas are not that dramatic.

    Her trapesius muscles, the ones in the back of the neck also look a bit massive. Especially looking from the back.

    Also there seems to be a hole where her teres major whould be. On her back right under where her arm connects to her torso.

    Other that that I think it looks good! I'd love to see how it progresses.
  • sinkun
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the input PelleK, I reduced the trapezius size and I've tried to define the armpit area more. Man, inner arm and the armpit area sure is tricky...
    Also made some proportion tweak.

    I think this doesn't progress so well, so I figured I'll step back a bit and try different approach.
    Haha it must be full of mistakes, I think I should go draw and study more from anatomy books.
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