This is just a render of my concept. I know it's not original, but I'm combing a few things I wanted to make anyway. The image will be of an aircraft escaping from a mineshaft from within a mountain. I plan on having some explosions and fire coming from within the mineshaft. I am hoping I can convince one of my FX artist friends to help me with those.
As for the image, I think I might change the scale of the aircraft, so I can make the interior of the mineshaft more prominent. I'm going to have to play around with the angle, because I don't want the mountains to take up this much screen space if possible.

This is a quick collage of the main images I am working from.

Here's a paint over I did based on the 3D Mockup Dave made. It's just to get a general layout and color idea. I'll be working with Dave on this, and it should definitely be fun to make.