Hello, everyone. I'm pretty much a newbie at 3d rendering, but I thought this contest would be an excellent chance to get some practice, so I'm going to give it a go!
Edit: Beauty & Tech Shots for final submission.
Beauty shot 1:

Beauty shot 2:

Tech shot:

For this piece, the viewer will be looking into the mouth of a volcano. A massive stone titan was trapped and fused into the interior wall of the volcano long ago. The impending eruption of the volcano has awoken the titan, and it is in the process of attempting to rip itself free from the stone wall. On an outcropping overlooking the volcano, a small humanoid heralds the awakening of its master.
My first order of business was to grab several reference images of lava and volcanic rock.

Next, I sketched out the scene (will have to scan and upload those sometime soon) and roughly blocked it out in Maya.

I'm still not totally satisfied with the composition, and I welcome any critique or advice to help me refine my technical and artistic skills. I will also be posting updates regularly. Looking forward to the contest.

04/22/2013: Model for the titan is done.

Here are some detail shots of the Titan's face/head.
These screen caps are all test renders in Maya. Next step: rigging this guy up and posing him.