"When it's just you and the city, there's a sense of peace, serenity. The feeling of the air across your face, the ground passing beneath your feet; there's nothing like it. I just got one question: When you reach the edge, are you gonna' jump?"
That quote is how I would boil down the sense of parkour. My entry will be a Mirror's Edge inspired environment. A rooftop playground full of jumps, vaults, and crazy fun parkour navigation. Mirror's Edge is my favorite game of all time, and I have wanted, for a long time, to make an environment in that style. I have never worked or been associated with DICE, so all artwork will be 100% original and I am merely trying to imitate their art style. This is also my first real challenge to enter, and I am not a very good 3D Artist, so Mirror's Edge's style will be nice for me since the texturing is fairly simple and my weakness is texturing. Once again, I am basically a n00b, but I wanted to finally just do something, good or bad, and finish it. I will do my best to optimize, but my main concern will be to create something that looks good. Still, I know where to use resources and where not to, so I won't be making any crazy big textures or anything, and most everything will be modular. TO start this off, here is my inspiration board I made from Mirror's Edge screenshots.

Anyways, enough about me and my entry. I hope to post something soon, and I hope people will be kind enough to offer me feedback and advice. I love this community and want to finally contribute to it meaningfully. Thanks, hope to see some of you again soon.
in the end this ahort list of things is what ALL the projects in this contest need. because in order to have the idea of an escape moved into a picture, there has to be motion and expression.
your parcour topic is good for that. perhaps try to capture your character midair while jumping sideways over an obstacle. try to put a maximum of motion into your character pose and face expression, supporting the drama!
i wish you all best for the contest!