umm I dunno. You know those old timey games where you had those sections and a giant boss would take up half the screen, and force you to keep running to the right as it chased you? Thought it was a cool idea, and metal slug tanks are p badass I guess...
reserving metal slug sidescrolling running, no one else do that now ok :P

Sounds great Nizza, looking forward to more:)
It is ALWAYS a pleasure to watch you do your thing.
manly fist bump?
Great idea by the way. I was totally gonna do that :thumbup:
totally want to see what you do with it :P
dtran: thanks man, i really hope so
azkur: thank you ^^
duncan: *TRUST POUNDS* :P
absorbentghost: haha, cheers
dylbro: ^_^
jacque: i want you
mat: *hammspanks*
illmaticc: thanks ^_^
mask_salesman: i hope i can do it justice (p sure i cant but imma try)
jermaineb: churs
aaaaaaand i totes trolled all yalls
well not intentionally, developing things as I go and this is how I went so far >_>
Still hoping to get a big blocky metal slug mass of mecha bits in there, just slightly higher tech than mslug was. Defs want the same look and feel tho.
Just pooped out this lady char, wanna get sleeker cooler tron + sc2 mech stuff, and big beefy industrial blocky stuff in the enemy/enviro. And a bit of vikto antonov feel for everything. It all looks rad in my head at least...