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Pirate nest

polycounter lvl 5
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benlucas polycounter lvl 5
Hi guys,

Some realtime artwork I'd like to share with you.

After seeing Darksiders ZB scultps I tried to make something similar. I'm not used to make cartoonish style sculpting, but it was really funny learning it !

Made with 3dsmax, ZBrush, Xnormal and rendered with Marmoset Toolbag.

I spent a lot of time making all those parts but it was fun and in the end I'm pretty pleased with the result :)

Reference artwork from Arthyom Vlaskin :

My 3D model :

Some parts from the whole thing:

Hope you will like it :)


  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Looks really cool, but I think there's a scale issue: The point where the stairs meet the platform is comparatively large in your scene which draws the attention away from the stuff that's on the platform and to that "empty" spot.

    Also, I think the roof could benefit from some vertical and horizontal wooden beams sticking out like in the concept. That would make it seem like it had more of a support structure, right now it seems a bit float-y,

    Also, cannon balls but no cannon?! :poly142:

    I'm really digging the simplified textures, really easy to read!
  • Notes
    Offline / Send Message
    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    That is a clean paint job, what are you using to render this in??
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