Hi guys,
Some realtime artwork I'd like to share with you.
After seeing Darksiders ZB scultps I tried to make something similar. I'm not used to make cartoonish style sculpting, but it was really funny learning it !
Made with 3dsmax, ZBrush, Xnormal and rendered with Marmoset Toolbag.
I spent a lot of time making all those parts but it was fun and in the end I'm pretty pleased with the result

Reference artwork from Arthyom Vlaskin :

My 3D model :

Some parts from the whole thing:

Hope you will like it

Also, I think the roof could benefit from some vertical and horizontal wooden beams sticking out like in the concept. That would make it seem like it had more of a support structure, right now it seems a bit float-y,
Also, cannon balls but no cannon?! :poly142:
I'm really digging the simplified textures, really easy to read!