This is a model I did over a year ago. About to start getting back into 3D work. This one doesn't light properly. Seems like the edges just need a better flow I assume? It's not because it needs a normal map because even subsurfacing it the 3rd image still shows it is messed up.
More edge loops or should the left side of the cockpit flow up to the top instead of towards the side? Just really not sure how to fix it up. I have a few ideas but don't want to waste my time before getting input.

Having said that, if you are wanting better definition or a sharper edge between sections i.e. the cockpit canopy and the sides etc. you might want to look at using the Edge Crease tool in Blender to define sections of your subsurf that should be sharper than the others. See this link for a description of the tool in the 2.4 branch of Blender:
The other option would be as you said to add more edge loops, but obviously the more loops you add the denser the mesh and the harder it is to keep track of what points/edges you need to move/shape etc.
The only other issue I can see with the model is that you have a mix of quads and tris. Generally when I'm modelling I try to keep everything as quads for better deformation and edge flow etc.
Not sure if any of the above is any help, but hopefully you'll get a solution to the issue and get your model finished.