Hi everyone
I have decided to create this thread early in my development of the chosen environment so i can have a lot of critique and information for my university FYP. The purpose of this dissertation is to find out whether it is possible to create an environment in different generational periods, whilst keeping the exact structure only altering the textures. This is a very texture heavy project, this means changing every different type of map for each environment. The two time periods the environment will be placed in will be the 1970's (Past Scene) and 2040 (Future Scene) and the selected environment will be a Night/Gentlemens club. I have loosley based it on the vixen club in Hitman Absolution.
Here is some early progress:


I would say that the stools look a little too small for people to sit on but I understand that you want to get the textures created before you optimize the scene.
I would be aware of how much grey you are using in the future scene because it could end up looking like a factory/warehouse, unless that is the look you are going for.
The same still happens today with AAA games, but they hide it better.
Go look at actual pictures of night clubs and you'll see that they tend to pack a lot of stuff in there. Places like that want a lot more tables and places to sit. More tables and chairs means more potential money.
I think it would look really great with some post processing and specular maps when you get further into the project!
Good luck!