Anuxi: So... you must be at least a multi thousandaire by now? Ha:) Congrats with all of you success so far, you cant fake all the hard work you've put in.
This is a tough one to work with, her base model has so much already established! Gah!
That is so amazing for PA! is it a raven!? !!!
anyways I suggest editing the face mask and making the beak end on her nose (like naga sirens orange paint/skin job) but its all up to you!
One of the best PA sets i've seen so far
Woah nice visual lines you got there! I like the back of the helmet sweeping up. Would make leading up to some kind of pony tail look nice man!
One thing you should look out for is covering the face too much... valve have said they aren't fond of that. So I'm not sure how you would get around that man :<
Looking good! I really like the sculpt and design of the ember set! Though, I sort of feel like the pauldrons may be a bit too big for ember and would look better slimmed down just a little tiny bit, just so they can fit Ember's quick and agility focused physique.
This is a tough one to work with, her base model has so much already established! Gah!
Rough pass, searching for it...
anyways I suggest editing the face mask and making the beak end on her nose (like naga sirens orange paint/skin job) but its all up to you!
One of the best PA sets i've seen so far
One thing you should look out for is covering the face too much... valve have said they aren't fond of that. So I'm not sure how you would get around that man :<