website launched @coffeeoutlaws
last weekend i decided to make a webcomic, i'm calling it Coffee Outlaws, name has little or nothing to do with the strip at this point, and i'm totally cool with that
here they are from first one i've done to the most recent with a little bit of a break down
this was a idea i had while riding to lunch with Justin listening to a news report about a nuclear disaster somewhere. Its kind of what spurred me to start a strip. At this point i was using my personal cintiq at work so i did my sketches on pen an paper, took a pic with my phone. and went into work on the weekend and banged this out.. took about 8 hours.
this was done on that same weekend also. it was a task, so many chatacters in the strip and also theres questions about the clarity of the joke, some ppl dont get it, some do.
for this strip i switched over doing my line work with Manga studio debut,, which i LOVE. also went for a simpler color style. changed to doing hand drawn frames and baloons. Spent a bit more time on details in line work. I'm pretty happy with this strip over all
Well thats it for now, i'll update this thread with new strips as i do them.
my plan is to get a back log of 5 then launch a acutal public site.
heres my latest
Also, @cholden I kind of like the way it's set up now. It has a sort of pacing, like a buildup to the punchline with the panels adding up. Though yeah, it's definitely lots more work.