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Entry level portfolio examples?

polycounter lvl 8
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uberphoenix polycounter lvl 8
Hi there,

I've been trying to make a portfolio that gears around environment art, currently teaching myself zbrush etc but I was wondering what should be included in an entry level portfolio for a junior role?

I've tried looking for some examples of this, but google comes ip short. Does anyone have an idea of a list of what should go into your folio to get noticed?

I mean like:

1 or 2 completed environments
high poly models
low poly models
wires and texture sheets etc

Anyone got any examples of portfolios that are going for junior art roles? as looking at someone who has 10 years experience puts me off D:


  • This_Is_Icarus
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    This_Is_Icarus polycounter lvl 4
    all of what you said but everything should be completed with textures and breakdowns for wire and so on. and only put your best stuff on there quality over quantity
  • Eric Chadwick
    My advice is to look at anyone's portfolio that you like, regardless of their years of experience, and think to yourself "I can do better" and then attack it. That is one of the best mindsets to have. Keep looking at the best, and keep trying to improve on them, make your stuff the best there is.

    More advice here
  • DWalker
    Try searching for "polycount portfolio" - you'll find many applicable pages referenced on a certain artist-related website. :)
  • MJG
  • THendersonVFX
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    THendersonVFX polycounter lvl 6
    look at any next Gen game coming out, now make your art better than that, and you will have what a junior artist needs for a portfolio. Seriously. Make sure to have breakdowns showing your wireframes and maps.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    "Junior" artist portfolio = "Senior" artist portfolio with less assets. What do you want to do most? texture/shader artist? prop artist? world builder? Decide and make a reasonable amount of assets within ur focus at senior level quality. Textures/shader, you prob want somewhere from 8-10 shaders. Prop artist you want 2-3 simple props and 1-2 complex props. World builder is mainly placement but you prob still want to build 1-2 mini environments complete with textures.
  • Zieg_Reborn
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    Zieg_Reborn triangle
    Your portfolio is only as strong as your weakest asset.
  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 10
    yea slosh is right, it can be stressful trying to get to that quality. I know I'm still working on getting to an acceptable character artist level. art is competitive.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Anyone got any examples of portfolios that are going for junior art roles? as looking at someone who has 10 years experience puts me off D:

    I just landed my first job two months ago with my portfolio (minus the MP34 at top).

    I believe John Valenti landed his first job with Diner Seige, Looted Pharmacy, and Overgrown City.

    Scott Homer landed his first job with this reel

    I had the same question as you a year or so ago and those two gave me a good idea of what I needed to achieve at a minimum.
  • THendersonVFX
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    THendersonVFX polycounter lvl 6
    To add to what slosh said, the only difference between junior and senior portfolios is junior will most likely be individual pieces of environment assets, whereas senior portfolios will be clips from games/movies/etc. that they've worked on displaying their work in a practical setting. Your quality will not/should not differ. Studios will want to teach you their tools and pipeline, and maybe a few tricks, but they won't want to have to teach you anything "core" to the art discipline.
  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 10
    those were some nice examples beefaroni :)
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    You can also aim for a specific studio and do stuff like them. Most studios will want you to prove you can do exaclty what they need. Don't even think about showing stylized art to a studio doing realistic games, or vice versa.

    Also, most advices are bullshit and really depends on the studio. Don't put weak pieces on your portfolio ? Well if they are old, some studios will appreciate to see the evolution between old and new pieces.

    Only have an highly specialized portfolio ? Yes, but it could close the doors of studios looking for someone with several skills.

    And don't under-estimate the power of contacts in the industry.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Freshly out of school and I Just land my first job at an amazing company ^-^

    My only tips is the same as everyone, there's not such thing as " junior level entry" you gotta do the best work you can and always push to be better. don't compare yourself to other junior in your school or internet, it's a terrible idea. Compare yourself with intermediate artist and to people working in the company you want to apply.
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