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Cyberpunk Detective

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mazz423 polycounter lvl 9

Hey polycount, another thread another project.

A little while ago I was rewatching Bladerunner for the hundredth time, any decided I wanted to have a go at making a sort of grungey cyberpunk character. Gonna be working on a lot of little gadgets and accessories next, kind of want him to appear to be a one man team so that'll include future style csi equipment and what not.

Badge is placeholder from an old unfinished project, lots of things left to do and any feedback would be appreciated, cheers!


Closeup on the hands, still have no nails and are early on obviously, as is the head




  • bigphun
    Looks like a great start to me, I think the pleats on hist pant need some more work though, and none of the fold seem to wrap around to the side.

    What really bothers me is that his head looks pinched, grab his ears and pull them out a little and see what that looks like.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Sick, anything cyberpunk grabs my attention right away :)

    I'm interested to see what gadgets you incorporate as, right now, he is just reading as a guy in street clothes with a badge.

    Just to echo the folds comment, nothing seems to be happening along the knees / horizontally throughout the model. It's almost as if the legs under the pants are insanely thin and these pleated pants are super baggy and never being affected by the body underneath.

    Though, this is obviously early - I'm guessing that you're working from the head down (since the feet are unfinished,) I assume you'll update the pants when the idea becomes more clear.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    bigphun Cheers for the feedback, will make some adjustments to the trousers based off it, I didn't want to go too overboard on the fold detail, and I did originally have his ears somewhat pulled out but he looked a little too much like a monkey

    Gav Thanks man, gotta get cracking on some fancy gadgets, and you're right, mostly been focusing on the head, hands and jacket so far, gonna try and go for the more 80s view on cyberpunk and near-ish sci fi, so lots of pouches, patches and zips left to do on the clothes :)

    And on the subject of gadgets and accessories, started working on a few little elements, a radio, multi purpose glasses and a few canisters, lots more to do, a camera of some sort and cuffs are next on my to do list, feedback appreciated, cheers.

  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Quick update, made some of the adjustments mentioned above, still some work left to do on the trousers but going to make sure I have a sufficient amount of ref before I go any further, don't want them looking too extreme. Still nothing done on the shoes, I really hate designing shoes and i want to go with something a little more interesting than army boots or dress shoes.

    Bit more work done on his belt, focusing on pouches at the moment and sort of filler elements, also started working on the hair, at the moment it's all simply placed in, will do some manual tweakage later to get something a little more stylish. Also reworked the badge, although not too sure how obvious that is in these shots, going for something a little more Dredd than I had before, fewer curved shapes. Let me know what you think all feedback is appreciated, thanks.

  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    Cool start, dude! Cyberpunk is awesome. My one crit would be the hair-- just doesn't feel punk enough, and usually with cyberpunk, it's the organic bits that emphasize the punk aspect (to me, at least). Try something like a mohawk or something that's more street punk.



    Hope that helps, and keep up the good work!
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    WipEout wrote: »
    Cool start, dude! Cyberpunk is awesome. My one crit would be the hair-- just doesn't feel punk enough, and usually with cyberpunk, it's the organic bits that emphasize the punk aspect (to me, at least). Try something like a mohawk or something that's more street punk.



    Hope that helps, and keep up the good work!

    hey, cheers for the feedback, I'm definitely planning on going for something a little punkier, wanting to go for a slightly heavier version of dante's new do:


    I think that could look alright, I hope :P
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    So, I took a break from positioning hair planes tonight, will post some progress on that when there's actually something worth posting, and instead I decided to retopologise the head so that I could go into a little bit more detail with the sculpt in certain areas.

    Fairly pleased with the final topology, I wanted it to be robust enough to sculpt on top of and decent enough that I could use it as my low poly. I think I've found a decent middle ground but if anyone spots anything I've stupidly missed or something that's unnecessary please do let me know.


    And, I decided to do a quick test UV map and bake a few maps out to see how it would handle that, fairly decent results, certainly handles tesselation far better than my previous attempts, anyway, enough rambling from me, all feedback appreciated, cheers!

  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Some more work done on the head, got a long weekend so gonna get a lot more work done on the rest of the body, going to completely rework the jacket, not too happy with it after taking a break from working on it. Also decided to ditch the shades and instead go for an eye patch, wanted to get some more obvious asymmetry into the face.


    Let me know what you think, feedback appreciated, thanks.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    A little bit more work done, redesigned the clothes, nearly finished with the high poly.

  • Stukka
    looking pretty good so far will be watching this for sure.

    One thing that sticks out to me is the amount of items on that gun holster. It looks like their is a lot of weight on it and I cant see it attached to the pants or anything. I cant help but picturing it just falling down all the time.
  • harricool
    nice one..Since he is wearing an open jacket his chest and abs could get more definitions u know...a little athletic look...and more crit would be..the folds on pant...avoid symmetrical folds...would love to see him with textures..good luck..
  • Poloboo
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    Poloboo polycounter lvl 8
    one thing that could be cool is seeing as it's a cyberpunk theme and his jacket is slightly open he could have the signs of "artificial limbs" like Will Smith does in Irobot... like where it looks like real skin but there are the kind of striations and "stitch" looking seams.... if you don't know what i mean and haven't seen then i recommend watching it :) but other than that good work!
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Stukka Cheers! Good point, sorted that out this week :)

    harricool Thanks, I think I'm going to avoid showing too much of the forms under the shirt, don't want him to look like he's wearing skin tight clothing :P Sorted out the trousers though, had sculpted them symmetrically so that I'd spend less time on each leg.

    Poloboo Yeah I've seen that film, not in a long while, working on some stuff for the hand at the moment, final thing to do on the high poly. Gonna have some robotic knuckles peeking through one of the hands similar to the eye piece, as though his hand has been damaged and repaired or rebuilt.

    Well, I hate posting text updates, especially when they're a week late :P

    So, I completely reworked the head after some feedback that the previous one lacked character. Personally I prefer the new head, and I'm close to calling it finished unless any of you have some feedback on it? Would appreciate any thoughts you lot have, cheers.


    Will post a complete update later, I just want to get it all done and baked down so that I can start texturing this bitch.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    So, a little bit over a week later and I've finally got my low poly built, maps baked (for the most part) and have begun defining materials (only the metals if I'm honest), learning a fair bit about marmoset so far; hopefully that'll result in some nicer renders.


    early days, I hate you mostly colourless diffuse! Lots to do on the texture front and the gun and holster are being done separately; want to devote a fair bit of time to them, they're gonna be on separate sheets anyway.

    Anyways, let me know what you think, all feedback appreciated!
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Some super early texture wippage, need to find some time to properly work on this guy.

  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    For the early stages he looks great! I love the design of the jacket
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys!

    yeah, definitely early work on the textures, the skin is particularly early... And horrible!
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    So, I haven't posted here for a while, work kind of took over for a little while and I wasn't able to get much done. And subsequently by the time I got around to working on it some more I... well I absolutely hated it.

    And so I've completely reworked everything excluding the shirt, hair and the shoes it's all new. He's not really cyberpunk anymore so the thread title is somewhat irrelevant but it's still the same project so I didn't see much point in making a more relevant one, maybe I should get it changed to 'the ever-changing wippage'...

    Decided to spare you the pain that was reworking this guy so here's a face closeup on his ugly mug and a quick full body render, after seeing the last of us art dump I've really tried to up the amount of detail in the sculpt. Let me know what you think, thanks again and here's hoping not much more changes between now and when it's finished.



    All critique, comments, complaints and what not is welcome, cheers!
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Some fugly test bake, with the worst (temporary!) UVs since their creation.

    Just checking I'm not gonna hit any areas down the line that are gonna be a total bitch, the stuff in black is yet to be retopo'd and there's a few gizmo's I want to add (shoulder light, some spools of rope, a flask and some flares) but they'll have to wait as I'm not gonna get much of a chance to work on them for the next week or so.


    Oh, the face changed a bit, thought I updated this thread with it.. Oh well, here it is anyway.

    Oh, man! Definitely going to be watching this one. His jacket looks killer. Looking forward to more!
  • Luke_Starkie
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    Luke_Starkie polycounter lvl 8
    Looks rad man! A bit late, but what size textures were you using on the old bake/model?
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    JETPACKCHAINSAW thanks man, I managed to get some more work done on the trim elements, didn't take any shots of it though as it was approaching 3AM.

    Luke_Starkie cheers! The previous version was using 2 separate sets of 2048's for the head and body, I'm probably going to end up doing the same again. I separated them out as I wanted to use some tessellation on the head, and it would have been pointless to do the same on the rest of the body.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Bit of an update, reworked the trousers and a couple other areas a little after some very useful feedback from the London meetup.

    Going to call the sculpt done for the most part now, a few little pieces of Sub-D left to do but in the mean time I'm getting the real bulk of my retopology out of the way; although this evening was spent mostly redoing old reto'd geometry.


    Some polypaint wippage also.


    And another fugly bake, why not right?

  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Finally sorted out the facial topology after a little bit of a break; and adjusted a few things here and there. Getting real close to being able to set up my final uv's for baking...

  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Right, finally got my bakes sorted, baking 4096's is a pain in the ass... Now it's time to start on the fun part.


    And some wireframe.

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