I have several different aspects of my level which I'd like to reset to a default state after a fly-through sequence runs at the beginning of the level. I have to reset:
make sure lights are off when level starts
k/rigid actors which block a door and have to be shot out
trigger an event through LOS detection (in this case, a taunting animation w/shadow from a bot)
All of the above have to reset to the state they were in when the level started. I know there's no magic "reset" Kismet or Matinee so I'm wondering how this can be done. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
-When you turn on the lights, use a toggle, and at the end of the sequence, feed back into the toggle again.That one is pretty straightforward.
-for the kactors, can you spawn them dynamically? Otherwise you could teleport them backto their starting place. If you can spawn them dynamically using actor factory you could have the actor factory node just activate fresh each time you run through the sequence and you could just have the end-of-the-sequence kill them off. (dunno if kactors are spawnable though..)
-LOS detection can be done using a trigger volume, if I recall. You could have this have a reset delay and a trigger count of 0 and that will auto reset, so that one is easy. The animation will need its matinee to be 'rewind on play' set.
use consolecommand node with "OPEN <insertnameofmaphere>". That would force a reset...though it would also trigger a load time and load screen! (I'm kidding here, this is probably not what you want)
So you'd type "open myawesomemap"
You can use this trick to do all sorts of wacky things. Any console command SHOULD work with it.