I am currently using UDK but i know that cryengine 3 has beautifull terrain heightmaps, i`ve tried everything, set the image size to 4033x4033, converting a bmp to RAW and a lot of others but it does not work at all.
Anyone knows how to export a heightmap to udk from cryengine?
4033 wont do
128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 etc
I use PGM since you can get better precision then with a bmp although RAW will work also I think it's a preference thing.
The heightmap has to be 16bit RAW. To save RAWs out of Photoshop: height maps should be Grayscale and 16 Bits/Channel (Image menu > Mode) and save as RAW (IBM PC), layer/alpha maps should be Grayscale and 8 Bits/Channel and saved as RAW.
I put some more info here
thanks dude