OK let me explain what I am trying to do (this could get confusing). I am looking for a tool that essentially works the opposite of shrink wrap. So I believe there is a tool in max where you can have a large object (lets say a sphere) with a smaller object inside it (lets say a cube). From here I think there is a tool that can set that can set the cube as a 'reference' object inside the sphere, then have the sphere shrink and conform to that cube? Maybe I am bat shit crazy.
Either way...
What I want to do is sort of the opposite, expand an object to the bounds of another object. In my cast, I want to take a scraggly shrub that is built out of many cards, make it intersect/be inside of a sphere/smooth oblong shape, and have it mold to be that shape. The intended result is to have the messy play conform to this smoother shape and look like a manicured shrub.
I know there are other methods to making shrubs, but I am curious if there is a way to conform the shape like I have described.
F'rex, your cube is inside a sphere. Reverse the normals so the inside of the sphere and the inside of the cube are the "surface", and use Conform. Boom, your cube expands to fill the sphere. Reverse the normals once again if you want it looking normal instead of inside out.