Hey guys,
Our team is made up of myself as character guy,
Metalliandy as enviromentalist,
Max Davenport as resident porn star.... i mean concept guy,
Lee3dee for VFX,
and Slipsius for animat... i mean, rigging and posing, and helping with effects, and getting coffee for the team since we're not allowed an animated video scene.
We've decided to take the concept of a fantasy dragon, and put it into a sci-fi context. the dragon is a guardian entity created to protect a server mainframe in a large corporate building. the escapee, having just injected a virus into the system and being unaware of the guardian, has begun her flight from the scene only to be caught by the guardian.
the main concept of the dragon here is that in typical fantasy settings, dragons are magical beings who can control the elements and other magical forces around them. we decided that in a sci-fi setting, an artificial dragon would have absolute mastery of all things technological, including in this instance, some awesome form of phase-shift which has allowed him to portal his hand further than his reach in order to catch our escapee.
here's Max's initial concept, we hope you enjoy watching this progress!

Here was the first pass at the dragon but we figured it wasn't threatening enough.
So we're going in a more angular direction. I still have a lot to flush out but I think it's a decent start.
And here's some start on the environment as well. I'm really just trying to nail down infrastructure first before I move on to the rest.
just getting the shapes in, been a good learning experience already! more to come soon.
Smoothing groups in Turbosmooth can also help keep the larger surfaces nice n clean, keep it up dude
Watching this progress is going to be a challenge in itself.
Looking mighy fine.
Great work guys.
I am pretty keen to see some more.
this should be way cool
subbed, so much goodness nomnomnom
just been a really busy time for me, but still plugging away when i get a spare moment.