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Rotor: My first indie game (Schmup)

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20

Rotor was made by
*Ben Mathis - 3D art www.poopinmymouth.com
*Ágúst Karlsson - programming is.linkedin.com/pub/ágúst-karlsson/9/86a/908
*Peter Boehme - illustrator http://www.peterboehme.com/
*Ian Dorsch - Sound http://www.iandorsch.com/

Snjóhús Games is myself and my husband Ágúst. We wanted to make a small game as a proof of concept of working together as a small team. We were inspired by a lot of older classic arcade games.

Google play

The trailer:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcNsuJPYx7k"]Rotor official trailer - YouTube[/ame]


The art!

The monetization works in two ways. There is a free version, and a paid version. In the game, collecting drops from enemies allows primary and secondary weapon upgrades. The free version is limited to upgrading to level 2. If one wishes to continue playing, it is possible with a level 2 weapon, but the game's difficulty will most likely make progression above level 3 or 4 impossible. A 2 USD (1.50 euro) purchase price will unlock the full version, with nothing further to buy. However, we do have inn-app purchasing, which is basically the ability to cheat, to buy any weapon upgrade, or overcharge shields for a fee. It is not required, but we are experimenting with monetization schemes.

Start to finish is longer than I want to admit, but were the time condensed to full time, 40 hour weeks, the project took Ágúst and I around 8 months.

The number one thing you can do to help, is to download the free version and rate it positively. Hopefully you will enjoy it enough to buy, but just sharing the link, and rating the youtube trailer, and Android/iTunes apps will give us good exposure.

Google play


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