Yeah, we really need a team name...
Alright! So another contest is rolling around and it's a good one!
After much deliberation with my partner, we decided on a pretty interesting idea.
The idea is that there is a person who seems to be descending into a jungle-like area with an ancient looking temple in the near distance. Upon further examination, you notice that the character is simply floating in space and you see bubbles. The viewer's attention should now be drawn to the upper corner of the image to see what appears to be the surface of the water with an explosion and the wreckage of a ship floating downwards. So now this "jungle temple" is actually underwater and the foliage around it is interesting looking sea-life.
We got this idea from several different things, one being the game Journey. If you haven't played it, you should, but the point is that the entire game takes place primarily in the desert or in desert ruins. However, due to various elements in the game, there are few areas which make you feel like you are underwater. We felt that we could incorporate that feeling, but opposite where the main character IS underwater but it looks like it's on land.

We also decided on making the entire scene look like it was a model, similar to the Halo 3 ad campaign "Believe".
Next we wanted to implement some interesting designs for the character, rather than a realistic one. Games like Disney Infinity were inspiration for this because the actual in-game models look like the toys themselves. However, we don't want so much of a toy look as we do a carved look.
But what should he look like? We haven't quite nailed down a look for him, but hopefully these serious looking actors (and video game character) can help!
So here's a post for the bad guys. Basically we're going to obscure them in the shadows so the only thing you really see of them is their silhouette but it doesn't hurt to come up with some good designs!
We wanted some sort of deep sea fish people that combine several different elements. I threw together some quick sketches today. They aren't much, but it's something to get us inspired!
SO far I'm liking the bottom most one, but we want at least two in the scene.
I'm digging the shank/torchlight character ideas. Always loved that style.
One piece of feedback: two characters and a whole environment being made by two people seems like it might be a bit much for a contest like this. Ultimately it depends on how much free time you have though, just a thought.
Can't wait to see where this goes!
I've been working on the main character's body to try and nail down that chiseled and cartoony look. I still have quite a bit of work to do but at least it's progress.
Other than that I have been working on a blockout and whatnot for the level. I don't have quiiiiite enough to show yet...but soon! Maybe tonight, idk.