Just wanted to post something I am currently working on. Thought I should finally get some feedback from others while I'm making it.
This Concept art was generously provided for me by someone else. I don't concept very much and I thought this character/monster/thing looked really cool. It is by Richard Luong for a game designed by Sandy Peterson.

A week or so ago I made the rough base from a modification of a model I had started a while back

I took it into Mudbox to do a simple startup pose. I usually would probably keep it like this pose so that I could mirror but I felt that maybe with the pose that he has that I didn't want to rig it later with all that cloth and stuff. Maybe I'll regret it later.
I did unwrap it before posing it.
So I almost finished the entire base model and this is what I have so far would love to get some feedback. Thanks!

Finally getting back to working on this. Made some adjustments a few days back from suggestions by some of my peers.
I've been using Mudbox for the past year and wanted to familiarize myself with Zbrush again so I've been slow.
I've been mostly working on the forms of the character. I might have went a little overboard with the muscles. I know it's really rough at the moment but I was curious if there was anything that looked really wrong atm.
@ DWalker - looking at your comment again, I do see what you're talking about with the upper part of the body not being wide enough. Maybe I'll try to expand it a little bit.
The back part i just scribbled something on there for now. I guess I will try to make the ridge more pronounced.
I appreciate the feedback!
I was really slow with this one overall. Would like to see if i could get some feedback before I try texturing it.