Alrightio, figured I too should open a thread in this flashy new section of the forums. This first post will be used to display items/sets currently in the game, in the workshop and in progress, mostly will smaller icons.
I will try to keep this post up to date as much as I can
With that said, here goes...
His hand is in the wrong place because of the animation and I should probably tweak the blue a bit as it's pretty bright compared to KotL himself.
I'll be updating the first post with my ongoing stuff pretty soon.
I might draw some more silhouettes, depends on how I feel about them tomorrow and, ofcourse, any comments I might receive
edit: Updated with some more silhouettes, this time more halberd like after a chat with Bronto Thunder, so thanks for that once again.
And we were doing it too
Dont get all defensive about your model that isn't even that good.
They share bunch of design choices, but we sorted that out.
I would totally agree with you if designs that you have shown were super original, but they are not, they are just slightly modified versions of original weapon. All three staffs has almost the same handle, and diagonal spikes on top of roundish base.
If your weapon would be wooden Gandalf like staff with crystal on top and someone would make something similar, that maybe you should have been mad, or maybe both off you just watched LOTR... you never know
Anyway its a funny feeling when you think about doing something and someone else shows this done few days later...
Sorry about all the wasted space there.
Anyway, here's my progress on the highpoly so far:
I will be doing some sculpting on this to add wear, tear and damage.
also Vlad I don't know what I've done to make you call out my name in a thread I wasn't even in before you made that comment but please keep it out of other people's threads, however I will have to agree with Jalcober on this one.
Unfortunately the quality isn't quite so great ingame, this was also my first try with xNormal and I like it a lot, great program.
Unlit for those who wants to see the texture:
Just want to know what people think and make sure there's nothing I want to change before I submit it
Oh and credits to Snader for the name, hopefully there aren't any weapons with similiar names.
It looks fantastic up close, but from a distance they can be problematic.
I think you can erase some of them, and maybe make one bigger like so:
Maybe that will help you somehow, however i am not a great painter haha
Thanks guys.
edit: Compromised a bit and here's what I came up with, might tweak the color of the bolts a bit aswell:
More pictures right here:
And then nothing really happened until yesterday where I made the highpoly and I'm pretty satisfied with it so I'll be moving onto lowpoly real soon:
I've got a few other things kinda in the works aswell so there's more to come after this.