So this is the game I 'm currently working on.
I 'm the one doing all the 3d models together with some of the texturing and level design.
We are "Monsters", an indie team of 7 people total, and a few months in the development.
I 'm hoping to get some critiques from all you talented and tasteful people
so we can establish the direction we will follow from now on.

The lens flare in the first image is quite distracting, and your REALLY should consider removing them from the engine. Their time has come and gone, except for movies by J.J. Abrams...
You also seem to have a secondary light source, most notably in the second image. The rear walls facing directly away from the sun seem more brightly lit than the walls perpendicular to it, and the roof sloping away from the sun seems fully lit. I'd expect most objects not facing towards the sun to be almost completely black given the sun's brightness in the scene.
Also, the third shot has a lot of nice foliage breaking up the silhouette of the terrain; the first two shots have flat terrain with a really grassy texture but a lot less foliage so they don't look as nice. Ideally, if you have a visible terrain silhouette that is supposed to be grassy, try to throw some grass models along the edge so it's not just a flat line.
Finally my most nitpicky feedback: I think the logo would look nicer if the ends of the 'Y' didn't extend quite so far. Particularly when you're using it on promotional images and such, it looks weird for it to be cut off by the edge of the image.
Overall this looks really interesting and I'd love to see more!
There will be gameplay videos soon.
I see what you mean with the secondary light sources, we are entering the polishing stage for the graphics just now, so a lot of changes to come and you helped us a lot.