*EDIT 3/13/2013*
This female study is now also going to be turned into a character. Ill be doing Sniper Wolf from MGS on the PS1. This thread will have alot of images so I apologize in advance.
Hey all,
Ive recently after a long break, getting back into sculpting. I thought a good way to get back into it would be going back to basics and re doing one of my very basic bases I had. So with that i got rid of all the detail and started again.
These are current work in progress shots, and am trying to push the low poly as much as I can before sub-dividing.
If you need to be harsh in critiquing please do, There's nothing better then being straight up, without that kind of critiquing Im not going anywhere.
I dont put my ego in my work so im not going to take it to heart, if anything Ill be very grateful

Thanks in advance.
P.S. I apologize if the images are huge. I don't really know what good picture sizes are for Polycount.

I'm on the bus ATM heading into college but when I get in I can post the pictures I've been using Haz
Also JordanN you are completely right, they need some more attention haha. Ill have to find some arm close ups in my reference library.
Also is it a bad idea to use other peoples sculpts as reference? or to jump around from a lot of pictures? I pretty much like to grab bits and pieces from various reference rather then just use 1 reference picture for the whole body.
Im also using your Fran sculpt Haz for reference (mainly the face since I love her nose), however I cant find the close up of her face I had, must be on my home PC.
Its probably best that you dont copy anyone elses sculpts when learning anatomy - especially mine as honestly my anatomy is not that great, and I make some stylistic choices that are kind of extreme and unnatural.
The good ref from 3dsk is great to give you a baseline - so i would use that to at least place your joints and get your proportions right etc
So ive decided to strap on my big boy pants, stop being a bitch, and buckle down to do some serious work. Ive only got this year left of study and my Portfolio is quite frankly lacking in awesome content. So with all this in mind I am making this female anatomy study into a character.
Ive decided im going to sculpt Sniper Wolf from the MGS1 game on PS1. I know she has been sculpted before on this site but I really don't care about that.
For as long as I remember I have always never wanted to sculpt something someone else has done in fear of being compared to work much better then mine. I also remember also thinking "What hasn't someone sculpted" instead I should of really been thinking "what do I want to sculpt", And I know, This is what I want to sculpt. It may seem egotistical but Im going to start sculpting for ME and not worry about what others sculpt.
So with all that out of the way, here is progress shots (re did the detail on the female) and a reference/mood board for Sniper Wolf. Looking at this new reference I can see that features of the sculpt will need to be changed, but hey, that's what practice is for isn't it?
Changed the face to looks more like photos of SW only problem is a lot of the concept art isn't very clear and most the dolls made of her looks like they've been hit with the ugly stick when SW is suppose to be somewhat seductive in her nature..I mean come on..that coat is not weather appropriate for Shadow Moses..
Anyways here is today's progress, I think im getting better at box modelling hair (I find it extremely difficult in Zbrush so I decided to model it in Maya), feel free to critique or leave other feedback. I plan to continue on making her clothing in its most basic form tomorrow so I can see whats working with what, and what I need to change.