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Death Tomb

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Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
Hey Polycount!

I've been lurking around for a while now and have finally come to a point in my art that I feel decently comfortable posting works in progress for critique. This comes with the stipulation that I'm still just learning Zbrush. This is technically only my second sculpt.

-First Sculpt


So there's that, just so you know where I'm coming from in terms of zbrush.

Here is the concept (By Ryoma Tazi) for the piece I'm going to be focusing on for school. This may not get updated as much as I like because its a homework piece to be worked on throughout the semester and not apart of our main project / game.


And here are my first WIPS! Any comments or critique would be great. Thanks all.



P.S- I am taking some creative freedom with the piece, such as it being up against the rock wall as opposed to completely free standing. So if you have any suggestions that deviate from the original concept some, I'd love to hear them. Thanks again!


  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Worked on his neck area some. Needed to fix some pretty glaring muscle issues and fill it out more to get the shape I wanted. Also started work on the crown. On top is going to a sort of altar area that can be reached from the ground / top of the mountain behind him.


  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Hey dude! What you have so far looks nice! Do you have a blocklout? It is always best to start with one! Have you thought about texture res as well? That statue thing is massive, it will need a pretty big texture!
  • JoshVanZuylen
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    JoshVanZuylen polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Sean. Looks great for a second official sculpt. Makes me feel bad for practicing more! Haha.

    In the concept your working on has no backing. Or is it just going be kinda sculpted out of a rock face or something your throwing in, and that's the backing stone?
    Or is it wings! Or is it omg! I can't really tell what it is.

    Your shoulders could be lifted up a bit they look a tad low for the structure if the item.

    Other then that, looking good mate. Looking forward to seeing this finished!
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    @SaferDan- I don't really have a 3D blockout currently - i DO have a small layout sketch:


    Sorry its kind of big. I sadly didn't really have time to do a block out as the assignments focus solely on working within zbrush. Even what you see now started from a dynamesh ball / zspheres.

    As far as textures, I was thinking of trying out layered repeating textures using vertex painting in UDK. If you have a suggestion though I'm all ears! Short of repeating textures I was never sure how to approach texture space for massive things like this (and thus haven't tried till now).
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    @Josh- Thanks! Also I agree about the shoulders; I'll probably go ahead and pull those up next I work on it. I've currently got him kind of backed against the mountain side as if he'd been carved out of it. Haven't touched that part up much yet though.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    probably should think about, blocking out this scene first...
  • JoshVanZuylen
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    JoshVanZuylen polycounter lvl 5
    I agree with these other people that you should have a block out. It doesn't need to be complex just boxes so you can know where things are going to go and fit. It can take maybe half an hour to a block out of what you have there max. Even though you don't have much time and your mostly in Zbrush, one you finish and go to put it in the environment you don't want to be like 'crap, it doesn't fit, oh well I just scale it.' And, then be like, 'but now it looks to small!'. You know what I mean. I say this because I have done this on a project where I thought I would be fine... Ad then.. Ya.

    But it's up to you if you can fit it in or not.
  • kevino025
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    kevino025 polycounter lvl 10
    I will have to agree with everyone else in that you should make a blockout, this will help alot in the long run. But one thing Im noticing too is that the Zbrush sculpt seems to be very lumpy. I know you're starting out with Zbrush. I would recommend using lower subdivision levels and only go up until its necessary. I've seen this a lot when people are starting to use Zbrush for the first time, I was having the same problem too. Use dynamesh until you have enough to start subdiving, and dont be afraid to keep going down on subdivisions do further refine your sculpt.

    Going along the same line of subdividing the mesh, I would suggest spending more time on the anatomy or the silhouette of the asset with a lower subdivision level. Like Josh said the shoulders still need work. I see you are doing the skeleton/statue one whole piece with the mountain. That may be troublesome for sculpting. Even if he was carved out I would make the statue first and then worry about the whole carved out aspect but thats just preference and workflow.

    I like the idea and the process you have so far. Gonna keep my eye on this one.

  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    WELL! Clearly I should block this sucker out lol. I should get some time to put into this particular project over the weekend. I'll make blocking it out in Maya part of that time.

    @Kevin- I think you are right about separating the two. I will try duplicating the tool and sculpting out the mountain on one and the skeleton on the other. I also think you are right about the subdivision of the dynamesh. I just looked at the density of the "polygons" (not sure if dynamesh actually uses those are just magic squares) on it and it was pretty dense. I will see how far I can lower it without killing off any of my major shapes.

    Thanks everyone for the feedback - I regret not being able to update it as often as I'd like; I really love the concept of this whole area.

    I'm a bit new to posting here as you know, so if I had other projects that I'm working on (such as the touching up the little guy at the top of this thread), would I start a new thread for that or just post it in here?
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Hey all - sorry I've been a little absent from this lately, I've had a bunch of projects I've been working on for school and whatnot lately. FINALLY however, we were assigned time for just working on our portfolio, and I decided to make this environment for my portfolio. The first sort of deadline has come and gone and I've gotten that initial shrine area pretty done up and "finished". There's still a lot I want to do with it such as putting a bunch of vegetation on it, effects and cool doodads like that. I have blocked out the environment a bit in UDK. Once I get a little further with that I post it up. Enjoy for now!


  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Was told I should go ahead and post my sculpts up! So here they are!










    Let me know what you think and any hints, tips, tricks, suggestions, advice, critique, etc.

  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    The general direction is good but one thing I notice is that your sculpts feel very mushy.
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Hm, any tips on that? Or any particular parts you could point out on them for me?
  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    I have to agree with Alex. Your sculpts don't read like stone, but more like very soft clay. It's like this on every sculpts.

    I'd recommend using the trim brush to make some hard edges.
    It seems like you modeled the general silhouette of pillars and walls and then sculpted the stone blocks on them, that's why it looks so soft (I may be wrong but this what it looks like to me). Try modeling and sculpting some individual blocks and then use them to build you walls, you'll get a mush sharper result.

    Hope that helps!
  • silkroadgame
    Wow,this concept is great!I've never seen this piece before.
    And your works are awesome too.
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks silkroad! Glad your liking it.

    @Popol: Alright I'll have to try that for the next stone structure I do. I think I'm starting to see what you guys are talking about. Thanks for the heads up!
  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5

    I have a more or less finished environment. There are a few changes I'm making (lighting on the structure to pop it out a little and toning down the fog some), but other than that I'm pretty happy with it. Let me know what you guys and gals think!





    ANNNDDD a youtube video of it! Woohoo! It shows off some of the smaller things like the water I did and stuff. Again please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

  • Sean.Buck
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    Sean.Buck polycounter lvl 5
    Hey all, fixed that stuff I was talking about. Let me know if you guys see anything else. Thanks! All comments and critiques are more than welcome :)





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