Hey! so I decided to give this a try after all ^^ going to be a spacecruiser crashing towards the ground and a escape pod in the foreground. going for a tattoine-ish look but with some plantlife. started to block it out. just terrain, pod and a cube for the huge-ass spacecraft. need to nail down some design for the pod and ship soon but going to keep blocking and planning for now.
some ref I collected:

The Blockout:

yeah its for 1-3 passengers or something like that, could probably be a little bigger, shoved it pretty deep into the terrain too xD it is actually longer. and yes, lovley scrap metal and debris will be scattered here and there
never worked with particle effects I will try to learn to use it with this project, will probably use masked out stillimages for the sky effects ( since I´m not a vfx artist at all)