Have you ever wanted to make a game like Skyrim, or the witcher, or any other great medieval fantasy game out there. Now here is your chance. Join us. All we require is that you know how to make good models and you make a stong effort to stay in contact daily through Skype. The game engine that we are using is Esenthel. knowledge of the game engine is not required. members will help you learn Esenthel. Here is a preview of what has been accomplished in only 6 months time. [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwY4JvlN3TY"]Fate of Lysian / powered by Esenthel Game Engine - YouTube[/ame] Money will be divided evenly once the game has met its funding on kickstarter.
im a character modeller. i do my own textures normals specs etc.
here is a link to my online port, gardetluc.carbonmade.com
you can contact me at gardetluc@yahoo.com
checkout my stuff at: couchfire.carbonmade.com/
My contact details are on there, I break up next week so I am free.
If you have room on your team I would be happy to help.
Portfolio: Link