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Anuxi - DOTA 2 Thread



  • Spudnik
  • AndrewHelenek
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    I doubt its NaVi QoP. There are now ingame video from theme which was supposed to be shown on 13th May. Judging by that they encountered some problems with engine limitations. Its probably one of other QoP sets :p
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Na'Vi Succubus Set!
    So the prophecy was true... The day Na'Vi's QoP set releases, we will be blessed with the sweet voice of Pflax.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Spudnik wrote: »

    hahah Yeah it should be annonced tomorrow I HOPE!!!!

    Textured and tested it in game.. not too bad!

  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Lookin' good, but the wings are a bit muddy I feel, especially at the base because they lose some of their definition. Maybe I you could increase the contrast and AO between the different strands of feathers the closer you get to the gold base?

  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Konras wrote: »
    I doubt its NaVi QoP. There are now ingame video from theme which was supposed to be shown on 13th May. Judging by that they encountered some problems with engine limitations. Its probably one of other QoP sets :p

    I would be very disappointed if it was anything other then the Na'Vi set. :(
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Yup it was the QoP I worked on :)


    This was a pretty tricky thing to design. It had three stages of growth and every part bar the head had the same texture. 3x4 models, 12 models. It was definitely something new and a different way to approach item creation. It's not the best set I have done, but I learned a lot and that alone was worth it :)

    In game shots:
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Yup it was the QoP I worked on :)


    This was a pretty tricky thing to design. It had three stages of growth and every part bar the head had the same texture. 3x4 models, 12 models. It was definitely something new and a different way to approach item creation. It's not the best set I have done, but I learned a lot and that alone was worth it :)

    In game shots:

    I'm guessing it levels up each up you level your ultimate, thats pretty cool! :thumbup:
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    I'm guessing it levels up each up you level your ultimate, thats pretty cool! :thumbup:
    As the tournament evolves, so will your Queen of Pain. Reveal new features for your Queen of Pain by spectating TPL Season 5 matches, granting you new ways to customize the hero's appearance and show off to your friends.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6

    :thumbdown: Weak. That sucks so much hearing that, I was actually going to pick up the ticket until I found that out, I don't have the time to watch games so I'd never get the full awesome. Also, I'm very busy at work, and I was only skimming though the thread, no need for that type of attitude. :poly118:
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Waaa... not the best set...? its super awesome :) 3 stages, just like pokemon, people will love it :) However it would be super cool if that was bound to ultimate levels as Andrew said :) Gratz! One more time you showed ppl in which direction should specific hero sets go :)
    Btw Andrew you can watch only highlights instead of full games and that will also work if you don't have time :)
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    You can even only enter the replay, then quit immediately, still counts as having watched the game.
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    Spudnik wrote: »
    You can even only enter the replay, then quit immediately, still counts as having watched the game.

    This is how I'm levelling my TI3 courier, I watch the twitch stream while I'm working and then quickly run through the replays when I get time. I'd watch them in game on my second monitor, but I'm a silly Mac user.
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 15
    Yup it was the QoP I worked on :)


    This was a pretty tricky thing to design. It had three stages of growth and every part bar the head had the same texture. 3x4 models, 12 models. It was definitely something new and a different way to approach item creation. It's not the best set I have done, but I learned a lot and that alone was worth it :)

    Really like what you have done with this Anuxi, and that you are breaking new ground again on a release is fantastic.

    About the textures, was there a hard technical restriction for maintaining the same texture for each upgraded item?
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Hudston wrote: »
    This is how I'm levelling my TI3 courier, I watch the twitch stream while I'm working and then quickly run through the replays when I get time. I'd watch them in game on my second monitor, but I'm a silly Mac user.

    Yeah, same here. Only way to work, hehe :D
  • PoPcorn
    Lennyagony wrote: »
    About the textures, was there a hard technical restriction for maintaining the same texture for each upgraded item?

    I would like to know a little more about the technical stuff you had to deal with, if you are allowed to go into a little more detail?
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Evolving sets seem awesome, but that's a bummer that you had to use the same textures (considering how small the dota texture sheets are to begin with... not much room to play around there) Huge congrats on being part of such a special and new element for the game.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Konras wrote: »
    Waaa... not the best set...? its super awesome :) 3 stages, just like pokemon, people will love it :) However it would be super cool if that was bound to ultimate levels as Andrew said :) Gratz! One more time you showed ppl in which direction should specific hero sets go :)
    Btw Andrew you can watch only highlights instead of full games and that will also work if you don't have time :)

    Oh, in light of hearing that news, I probably will pick it up, cause that set is too awesome not to have. Great work Anuxi!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Sure thing guys :)

    So The reason for why I used the same texture sheets for most of the items was
    1: Textel continuity. I didn't want the texture to get blurrier as you went up in levels.
    2: So I could reuse parts and not have to retexture them.

    The head was the exception because I had three unique horns, lvl1 and lvl2 had different fringes and hair textures (because of the hair accessory) But I did keep the main body of the hair in place so I could easily transfer hair details bewteen the three textures. Like bewteen lvl 2 and 3 they used the same hair style base, so I was able to paint one and then copy it over.

    here is the wire and the way I laid out my UV in my megatexture

    I think I would have gotten away with only mapping 2x should pauldrons instead of three and possibly gone a bit wilder with lvl 2 stage body but I hope this helps a bit :)
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    So The reason for why I used the same texture sheets for most of the items was
    1: Textel continuity. I didn't want the texture to get blurrier as you went up in levels.
    2: So I could reuse parts and not have to retexture them.

    You know what they say, necessity and laziness are the mothers of invention. :poly121:
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 15
    Sure thing guys :)

    So The reason for why I used the same texture sheets for most of the items was
    1: Textel continuity. I didn't want the texture to get blurrier as you went up in levels.
    2: So I could reuse parts and not have to retexture them.

    The head was the exception because I had three unique horns, lvl1 and lvl2 had different fringes and hair textures (because of the hair accessory) But I did keep the main body of the hair in place so I could easily transfer hair details bewteen the three textures. Like bewteen lvl 2 and 3 they used the same hair style base, so I was able to paint one and then copy it over.

    I think I would have gotten away with only mapping 2x should pauldrons instead of three and possibly gone a bit wilder with lvl 2 stage body but I hope this helps a bit :)

    Thanks for reply Anuxi, this really is helpful, and makes perfect sense particularly the texel density.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14

    He's all in game! Tomorrow is presentation!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks Chiniara <3

    Well I've finished my Skywrath set :)

    Also thanks for those who helped out with feedback. I tried to fix it in as best I could :)
  • Spudnik
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Spudnik wrote: »

    Hai! You! Yeah, Anuxi, you! DO EEET.
    Please, we need it xD
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    As awesome as that idea would be, it would visually telegraph to the enemy what level qop's ultimate is. Normally an opponent would have to take an extra second to click on the qop to see if she's level 11 or 16, if that information is important to how they approach the next teamfight.

    Sure some players wouldn't care about something so negligible, they'd rather look badass, but pro players would definitely avoid using the set like the plague if it gives their opponents any kind of an edge, one second can easily be the difference between a teamfight win and a loss.

    I'm pretty sure this, and because they were lazy and didn't want to write the additional code, are why it doesn't change mid-game in the first place.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Also I remember discussing this on dotainsight, the major draw back from something like this is load time and memory. You would have to lead in 2 extra set data, that means having to compile textures either on the fly or at the beginning of the game to account for the extra level items. Imagine that over 10 heroes?

    Not to mention the gameplay changes this could make, confusing people a little more because the enemy's qop looks different now than she did last I saw her.

    Sounds cool on paper, I don't think it would be very viable in real life though :)

    But evolving sets are cool and I hope valve can implement in evolving set importer. Things for tracking kills or wins would be really nice and give those artists who want to put the extra effort in their sets, the ability to do so without valve having to do lots of setup on their end.

    Oh spud, were you the one asking for the wireframe? You can check it out here: http://studio.verold.com/projects/519b397881bccb020000009a
    just change the shader view to wires :)
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Also I remember discussing this on dotainsight, the major draw back from something like this is load time and memory. You would have to lead in 2 extra set data, that means having to compile textures either on the fly or at the beginning of the game to account for the extra level items. Imagine that over 10 heroes?
    Tiny basically does just that, Lycan does this gorillion times in one game, some heroes have death animations that replace the model. It's not that hard to do.
    But something upgrading with strange modifier is way cooler.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    As awesome as that idea would be, it would visually telegraph to the enemy what level qop's ultimate is. Normally an opponent would have to take an extra second to click on the qop to see if she's level 11 or 16, if that information is important to how they approach the next teamfight.

    Sure some players wouldn't care about something so negligible, they'd rather look badass, but pro players would definitely avoid using the set like the plague if it gives their opponents any kind of an edge, one second can easily be the difference between a teamfight win and a loss.

    I'm pretty sure this, and because they were lazy and didn't want to write the additional code, are why it doesn't change mid-game in the first place.

    I used to agree with this, but the more I look into it, its total nonsense, levels are broadcast in the tabbed menu that shows kill/death/etc. Not to mention other games that have multimillion dollar prize pools *cough* League of Legends *cough* has skins that not only alter the general look and color scheme of the character but level up at 6/11/16 and that causes no problems what so ever. Honestly the only reason I can see them sticking to their guns and forcing artist to stick within the means of the style of the games is to hold the integrity of the game. In reality, I think this is just going to make cosmetics boring a few years into the games lifespan. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if DOTA 2 pulls a TF2 and goes all wacky and fun, and I would prefer if it did.

    I don't know where this wild tangent came from, haha. I have a feeling most will disagree and that fine, but I would like to see some "funny" sets enter the game. :poly124:
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if DOTA 2 pulls a TF2 and goes all wacky and fun, and I would prefer if it did.
    On that day the world will end. They made terrible mistake with letting team fortress 2 lose its style. I honestly hope they will stay with dota 2 in tight boundaries :) (and that says the man who made "clown" set for PA :D )
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    Konras wrote: »
    On that day the world will end. They made terrible mistake with letting team fortress 2 lose its style. I honestly hope they will stay with dota 2 in tight boundaries :) (and that says the man who made "clown" set for PA :D )

    There's a fine line to walk. I don't want to see DOTA too going completely wacky, but there will have to be some deviation from the characters styles eventually or it wont take long until all the sets start looking the same. The "clown" set is a good example of this, really. :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    I like the restrained boundaries that the art style declares. Its great learning for those who haven't had industry experience with sticking with an art style. There will always be new ideas, some less epic than others but its about being different yet still in the style not just being epic all the time :)
  • Uliss
    I think, keeping the dota 2 initial style is a very important thing. TF2 half lambert shading system also has it's own style. Yeah, item's theme variability destroyed the initial design line, but that was the first cosmetics expirience. Dota 2 is much more "art-like" game and I wish they will keep this style as long as they could.
  • MechBgum
    In reality, I think this is just going to make cosmetics boring a few years into the games lifespan.

    Ohhh man, I'm completely disagree with you on this one. But let me clear my throat first...

    *cough* >100 heroes to choose *cough* custom particles *cough* custom animations *cough* custom summons *cough*

    In reality, Dota 2 capabilities are much much wider than League of Legends can provide for it's developers and as time will go on, people will nail dota 2 visuals like they did in tf2 (and some already did *cough* anuxi *cough*). There always will be fresh ideas and new artists.

    About LoL... I see all those nonsense skins as a big lack of artists creativity. They just can't think of an explainable way to change the hero's design. It's always super easy to go crazy and make some "parody" shit, adding a top hat and a monocle over Lifestealer's head or putting Viper on a horse really has zero artistic value aside being a joke just because of how lame it is. Also by doing this crap you basically annihilate the efforts of the writers behind the game trying to create a tied working universe.

    If we speak about Team Fortress 2, well...
    1)TF2 didn't have any kind of background story at all upon the realease. It was like 5 maps, 2 teams, 9 classes, generic responses and nothing more. When the first hats and weapons started popping up, there was really nothing to work with.
    2)TF2 used to have the comic designs since the beginning with such weapons like a broken bottle and a fireaxe.
    3)It was a first game to test this user generated content idea and valve so far quite succefully learned how to approach it's problems and mistakes in dota. No need to come back.
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    Definitely agree with you there Mech. I don't mean that the styles should deviate too much, it's all about stretching the character design without breaking it. There's more than enough wiggle room for awesome without spoiling the aesthetic of the game. DOTA 2 is beautiful and I don't know about you guys but I only want to make it more so.
  • Anuxinamoon
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Luna set blockout. Cats are hard...

  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    It's definitely coming together nicely, Luna's colour palette should fit the butterfly motif perfectly.

    Those long whiskers look like they'll be jerks to rig.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    To be honest, I feel like this really clashes with the smooth, streamlined flow design of Luna. Her default items, everything from her panther to her pose just screams slick to me and I feel like the frilly, flared out design you have going now really clashes with that. If that's what you're going for, by all means, but personally it's something that turned me off of it a bit.
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    I really like the overall design, it could be a bit more streamlined like Spudnik said. but I'm not keen on the headpiece. The antennae just look a bit silly to me. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes though, I know you've been wanting to do a Luna set for awhile now!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Hrrrmmmm interesting ;points guys. I'll think about it for a while and get back to her after my holiday.

    I really want to do a butterfly armour though, I wonder if I can make it more moth like with less frills and more smooth curves?

    Thanks for you input <3
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    So unable to test my Luna in game I had a sad, then was like ZZzzzzAAAAAP! (dazzle must me nearby) and an idea for crystal maiden popped into my head. 40's style!

  • Lightapp1
    DOTA.... melle or range who will be the for long gamer...
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    So I went ahead with Luna, Thanks for the insight Spud, it helped a lot in the refinement. WIP texture blockouts so far but I'm starting to get a good feel of the values now so I should have this bad girl textured tomorrow!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
  • Mikal79
    Hey.. nice work

    Quick question, I've been trying to search for the answer in the forums, not a great deal of luck.

    Basically, I notice you switch to Max to view the normal displacement on your latest LUNA model - is that because there's not applicable CGFX shader we can use in Maya? I've been trying to find one that works with the shaders in the .ma file, but no luck.

    If MAX is the only real answer I can stop my scrounging.

  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Mikal, Sorry for the late reply. I use max because i'm able to use Xoliul shader 2.0 which is a cgfx shader to the best of its ability. Max is able to do alpha transparancy well and even AO and stuff.

    OKies Been a bit all over the place and totes forgot to update this thread, but I'm almost done my drow item set!
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Oh, I really like the orange highlights on this, creates some nice focal points. Well Done!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks HopGood!

    I've uploaded her to the workshop. I added a vid too :D
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMVWssxckk4&quot;]Dota2 Drow - Glacial Wurm Set by Anuxi - YouTube[/ame]
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