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I have one week left to finish this scene. I started it back in the middle of January for a school project, but I plan on continuing on and expanding it after I graduate at the end of this month.




  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    It doesn't seem easy to navigate as a pedestrian. The layout needs a lot of work.

    It also is a rather noisy composition with no focal point. All the lines in the image the eye wants to follow lead towards a blue foggy nothing.
  • rockguy
    Altough your scene looks good and shows off your texture, sculpt and lighting skills , there are things I will like to point out , first is the floor is too basic , second the trash bin is looks to modern for a sci fi enviroment and last it will bee good to have some color in the lights variation to disolve the blue ruling over the scene as well as for the textures the sci fi looking train blends to much with the scene.

    Just my opinion anyway,good luck with your project.
  • RobbZ3D
    I'm currently revising the stairwell to be modular so I can position that where the blue foggy nothing is, as well as adjusting the color of the fog. I will post pics as soon as I make the changes for further critiques. Thank you guys very much for your ideas!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    This doesn't seem very retro futuristic. Maybe this is just me, but I always deemed Retro Futurism as what if the future looks like how we imagined it in the 60s-80s. Lots of Neon, Sleek shapes, pastels, bright, lots of color. This is more of modern, industrial futurism, in the vein of Aliens.
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    You're ground is def plain. Put some light dirt decals, maybe even some stains. The lighting seems really strange. Its all lit, but I see no real light source. Even your light bulb on the left that is super close, doesn't provide bright white around it, yet the light itself is extremely bright. There doesn't appear to be 1 single spot that is in complete shadow, it looks as if 90% of the lighting is happening due to ambient light and makes it seem as if there is actually no lighting.
  • Talion93
    I like the idea of it so far, kinda reminds me of Alien and Blade Runner. I feel it should be dirtier, more trash on the ground.
  • RobbZ3D
    Thanks for all your critiques! I took a few in to consideration and made lots of changes. I changed the composition and added some post process stuff. I also lit the train up to draw more attention to it, as it blended in with the background in my last post. I have 6 more days to wrap this up for graduation but I will definitely do more to it after graduation. The ground is still plain and boring but I plan to work on it this weekend along with adding decals and POSSIBLY more trash for the ground if I have time...
  • RobbZ3D
    Added a few decals and brightened it up a bit more...2 more days now to finish this project for graduation...AAHHHH!

  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    hi, looks good, but its a little grayscale-ish atm.try to play with the postprocesses "colorization" settings
  • Rageleet
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    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    looking good mate al lthe best with the hand in ;) id say if uv got time try getting some more colour into the scene, one wayto do this is to bake emissive into ur lighting. i can see some red emmisive lights on the train mayeb these could be brighter with a highier fall off, id have a little play, maybe save a new copy first so u have a backup for hand in;) haha good luck :thumbup:
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    There definitely needs to be some more contrast in the lighting, right now everything feels sort of washed out. Maybe make one of the lights busted out towards the back, and perhaps a light coming from around the corner of the stairs in the far background, just to draw the eye through the environment.

    It also appears most of the emissive lights you have are white, maybe switch them up to a neon blue/yellow/red and get some variation going on. Might be cool to try some up-lighting underneath the train, give it a moody/oppressive look. Just something to think about, looks good overall though, just a few tweaks could really push it into a great piece.
  • RobbZ3D
    So here it is after all the emissive, lighing, and post process changes. I have to call it a wrap for new but STILL plan on coming back to it in a few weeks...

  • RobbZ3D
    How do I post bigger, higher quality pictures on here?
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    What are you using to post as of right now? I used photbucket for a while but felt that I got higher quality from Flickr. I know a lot of people use imgur as well.
  • Borgleader
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    Borgleader polycounter lvl 6
    I really like where this is going :) Keep up the good work, I'll be keeping an eye out for them high res screenshots!
  • RobbZ3D
    I'm currently using photobucket...I'll try the other two and then re-post so you guys can see this better!
  • RobbZ3D
  • RobbZ3D
    imgur works...Thanks JONNYquid!
  • iangoold3d
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    iangoold3d polycounter lvl 5
    Looking pretty sweet! keep up the good work robb!
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Nice, i like changes.now i have only one remark.the decals looks a little strange, and i cant really imagine what materials they are, or what they are.maybe because of the supersharp transition.if its a dust,or dirt,try to soften the transition, or if not,just try to define the material more.otherwise i really like your scene,gj
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Right now your lighting is ruining your scene. If you squint your eyes, everything blends together and there is no real focal point. Yea, the train has a brighter light behind it, but there is no contrast from that part of your scene to the right part of the scene, so it ends up muddying everything up. Also I feel if your camera is going to be in that position.... smooth out the turn-stall on the bottom left. It being segmented like that is distracting. Fix your lighting, take a hi-rez shot, add some color (lighting/post)..and I feel you have a decent scene.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah I agree with Erich on this. Your scene looks really cool, but the lighting is killing it. Your lighting is washing everything out and not helping to separate the foreground elements from the background elements.

    What you want to try to accomplish is being able to seperate these segments with lighting, and help pull the eye around the scene instead of it just being a noisy distribution of lights everywhere. I would separate the "waiting area" with a strong blue light coming from the lights above and giving that whole area a blue tint. To separate out the train I would give it a strong warm light from above which will also help to callout the silhouette on the pillar pieces you have there.

    I'll post up a paintover later since I can articulate my thoughts better that way ha. Looking good so far though, solid pieces and solid texture work.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Here's a quick paintover. Just to help show what i meant by separating out the elements using lighting. It's probably abit too bright and not moody enough but the idea is there.

    Just using the lighting to help callout the shape of the train, as well as the benches. Also having just white glow is bad and makes it look unfinished. I would add a colored glow to everything instead of just white like on the pillars.


    hope it helps
  • RobbZ3D
    That would be amazing wester! I have to turn this thing in at 1:00 for school, but I am def going to come back to perfect it at sometime next week, so the paint over would be very appreciated!
  • RobbZ3D
    Thank you very much...will def take these light suggestions and work them in!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Yea, Wes nailed it once again. A grade is whatever, I am sure you will get a decent one.. but grades don't matter when applying for a job. So make sure to fix everything and take all we said in consideration before putting this in your portfolio and sending it out to studios.
  • RobbZ3D
    For sure ErichWK! I totally understand that
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    Much improvement from each post.
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