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Forgetting how to draw

D'you ever feel like you've forgotten how to draw completely. Or paint, or sculpt or model?
You sit down with a whole host of ideas, put your creative fingers to work, and nothing will come out...
Obviously every one does, but right now it feels like weeks since doing anything worth while.
I probably just need to take a break, I literally think about work all day every day, when I'm not working I'm thinking about how I should be working or thinking up ideas, but huge waves of guilt wash over me if I do otherwise!


  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    After Staying at my friends place for about 2 weeks and returning home my sculpting gets worse. Obviously from not keeping up the pace. but it gets better after a day or 2

    After not drawing for 6 years I cant sketch shit quickly anymore. I'm sure in 30 years it'll come back to me.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    This happens to almost every artist. You don't really forget, you just get rusty. Creativity is a muscle and if you haven't used it in a while it becomes exponentially harder to start until you actually do so. Every time I sit down to draw the blank page is a scary obstacle and only actually getting that pencil/pen/wacom onto it and scribbling away does the anxiety end.

    I have the same indecisive guilt, it is truly one of the most confounding first-world problems but I'm pretty sure that a bit action and planning will help get through it. I've gotten into the habit of saying "Today is art day" with plans to do only art-related things. This allows me to absolve myself of the pressures that would take me away from art. Basically we come up with so many reasons to say "I'll draw that tomorrow" "I'll write that later, I've got chores today" "I worked yesterday so I'll relax today and do everything after" but instead if we want to get some art done, it is now all of the other things that will be left to tomorrow - because today is art day.

    Then, just like diddling on the paper will improve your drawing confidence, more and more days will become good days for art.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    I find myself in a similar boat often enough. I can't say that I've forgotten how to draw, it just takes me much longer to get the results I'm looking for.

    It can be frustrating, because things that used to come very easily now seem like a task. It's a definite hump, but once you get past it, you speed back up fairly quickly (in my case anyways).
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