Teleported to safety, a redshirt (not actual star-trek, but you know... the space bait stereotype) also some debris and bits of the monsters that were attacking the poor lass, are deposited as if, from a cosmic cookie cutter back on board.
I'm going to have to concentrate on efficiency and keeping things fairly simple if i'm going to get this done, hopefully have some fun learning about vfx along the way.
Below is my initial concept, fair way to go yet, but i hope it gets my idea across.

I think i've gotten some decent direction for the space suit now, mainly looking at fighter-jet onesies with a focus on mobility, but not quite there, would like to try and push more spacey padded bits in if i can.
Anyway, leaving this one here and moving swiftly on. Might hit it at a later date when i can face it again.
Not sure what to construct the scene in, used UDK in the past and love the material editor, but im on mac right now and would rather try Unity and perhaps write some simple shaders?
A quick test of a possible teleport anim, was the most obvious and i need to sketch a few more before choosing i suppose. I have never done fx work so i dont know if its possible/how to start, but im sure there is something on the interwebs to assist.
I do know its all static shots for the final submission, but id like to at least attempt to make something representative of the full effect.
An image from the previous draw, i found it laying on my desktop, think it shows some things better than the previous shot. Nothing too exciting i grant you.
Initial face block-in, i had to dig in to find some bone structure again, so lots of harsh un feminine angles there, sorry.
Where the face is at right now, lots left to do but i think it shows the basic idea, noes is probably the most in need of adjustment, not sure on the larger than typical chin anymore either, also the eyes seem a bit big..
Is it safe to roughen up the surface and try to push some asymmetry?
Cheers for looking
Original plan had been to have lots of floaty hair - now i'm thinking i can get more spacey vibe by having a hood of sorts, the second one sketched up is probably my favorite but i guess i should 2d some more before making a final decision.
Id really apreciate some input or alternative ideas before going to much further, if anyone has time.
And thats where its at with some significant adjustments to structure, a swift polypaint, and photoshoped eyebrows n highlights.
I would really like to know how people go about proxy eyelash's in zbrush, if there are any tips there. I could only think of using the snake hook tool or multiple hairs in a subtool?
I don't mean to spam the forum so ill get back to work.
Also - some of this challenges entries are just epic, props to polycount and its users :thumbup:.