Starting a thread, Hopefully I can finish this. Getting ready to drive from Florida to Montreal with my wife and cats half way through this Challenge.

So Here's the game plan.
Step one - Find the arts.
Step two - Test the arts.
Step three - ???
Step four - Profit!

No idea, I pretty much just took a trip down the rabbit hole and many links later gathered all the resources before you.
I'm RnD'ing at the moment on cameras in UDK. If anyone knows how to do a Fixed position camera that includes camera rotation or player tracking in UDK using Kismet I'd appreciate the tips. lol Coding in many forms is just beyond me unfortunately
I remember the jazz jackrabbit ios tutorial having some similiar camera stuff you may be able to modify. Hope it helps:
So far i've got this set up
but it doesn't actually follow the player. :-/ Noodling around with it a bit more to test some theories.
Cut the kismet sequence down the the bare basic require nodes. I keep getting this error
"Obj UTPawn_88 has no handler for SeqAct_CameraLookAt_6"
To the googles!
*edit 2*
So more traveling down the rabbit hole has led me to this -
I'm going to try and import a model, convert to interp actor, hard attach the camera to the interp actor. and hopefully it will work?
McGreed, Yeah - I came across this thread in my search. I don't want to mess with code and this is a fancy third person camera that follows the player, I need mine stationary. Something like this
Kismet or bust!
And might find something here as well:
So it will always point the actor of the group using a LookAt to another group you specify. Therefore you would want to create an empty group with no tracks that has a reference to a player variable. And the Camera group, through LookAt, is pointing to the blank player group.
I haven't done this in awhile, but I think its still functional.
I've been working on some design exploration in the mean time. Trying to mix sci-fi with some very subtle art deco aspects.
I think I need to find some more reference but I'm thinking of exploring some old cruise liners instead?
Slowly chipping away at this. I want to make sure I get something that feels good and looks believably functional. Not just a bunch of noise.