Hey Polycount,
I am going to be starting work on a product visualization project.
I was just wondering if it was possible to get a high poly shirt sculpt from ZBrush into 3Ds Max with usable UV's, so that someone else would be able to texture the shirt and render it out in V-Ray?
I have been racking my brains trying to think of how this could be done as the thought of unwrapping a model with millions of polygons makes my head spin, but apparently it can be done :S
My first thought was to use GUV tiles but then they wouldn't be exactly readable to a human haha
Thanks in advance for any technique or workflow advice
Is the mesh already sculpted? If it has lower subdivision levels, it's easy enough to drop down and UV those. If the lower subdivision levels are really humble then you can even export it to another program to unwrap, and if it's still somewhat high, UV Master might be able to take care of it without problem.
If you don't have lower subdivision levels, are you locked into the current topology? If not, retopologize the mesh (either by hand, or using an automated solution like dynamesh, remesh, qremesher, etc). Aim for something simple and lower poly, UV it as it pleases you, and then subdivide it and project the detail from the original sculpt to the new one.
Would the lower sub'd UV's still be usable for the high poly that would be exported?
Or would they only be usable for the Sub'd level that the model is unwrapped on?
Thanks for your help!