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ESCAPE - Escape? - SanjiWhite

Hello there!
First of all I want to thank you guys for all the great inspiration you gave me in the past year!
Now I decided to create an account and participate in this contest.

So here is my idea:
I want to create an abandoned corridor of a spaceship with a bloodtrack going into the next corridor where the rescue capsules are located.

So here is my first concept (half 3D, half Photoshop):


As you can see, my drawing skills aren't that good :)
But I think you can get the basic idea...
My first thought was to delete the chair in the middle, to have some more space between the other two.
I'd love to hear what you guys think!


  • Hang10
    Offline / Send Message
    So I get the blood stain is someone, or something, is escaping but I don't really get the the chairs.

    Maybe if one of those chairs is what was holding this thing and was all bloody and broken?

    The lighting could be interesting, you could have some sort of horror mood lighting or maybe someone pulled the alarm when they noticed this thing escaping?

    Also, whats the point of view, I'm assuming this is a "game" so are we the escaper or escapee? that may help define what final shot you want.
  • SanjiWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    To complete the story:
    The spaceship was attacked by some sort of aliens. One of the officers, serving on the weapons deck, (the chairs are the controlstations for the weapons, like on the Normandy from Mass Effect) was attacked by an alien and tried to escape to the rescue capsules.

    You are a player trying to save the ship (like in Dead Space), but you just see the bloodtrail. You can't say if the officer is alive or died because of the heavy loss of blood.

    So for the final shot I'm going to create a horror mood, with red emergency lighting and steam coming out of the pipes along the wall. The chairs will have some sort of hologram display in front of them just showing an error screen.
  • SanjiWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    So here's the first update. (As a highschoolstudent I don't have much time, so it is going very slowly) I've rejected the idea with the commando central because I think a machine deck would be more oppressive...
    The only Asset I've finished yet is this door. But I'm currently working on the fuel tanks.

    Here is the picture of the door in the Cryengine:


    The weird thing is, that the specular color doesn't seem to work... So if anyone could help me with that, that would be really cool. I've stored a gloss map in the specular's alpha (If that helps :) )
  • SanjiWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    So here it is with fixed normals... The y-direction wasn't flipped :\

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