I've been lurking here for awhile now, enjoying all the great artwork and then I saw this post.
And I thought why doesn't everyone present their work like this? Maybe because it requires some programming knowledge?
So, I've been learning Unity over the past few months and, I'm no coder but I can make scenes like this if anyone wants to show off their artwork in probably the best way possible. Seriously, I see all these animated gifs of models that would look so much better rotating around, using lighting, animating, some nice music, interactive, etc.
I've made a quick web player demos for you to enjoy, using assets with permission from Bitgem3D.com. I hope you agree, if you want to show someone your work, this can't be beaten.
So why do this? I've been learning Unity in order to prototype some game ideas I have but there's something sorely lacking and that's good artwork, animation, etc. I would really love to work with some of you guys & gals.
So, I thought, why not do some kind of skill exchange? My code for your art. Basically, I'll make whatever you want to show off your artwork in exchange for you making me some artwork for my game prototypes. I can make web player demos (just copy to your Dropbox Public folder and link to it) or exe/apps for Mac/PC/IOS/Android, etc.
Here is the same scene running on my Nexus 7.

Showing prospective employers your artwork in realtime beats anything and will make you really stand out (of course, you art would have to be good as well

) and I can even make you a build of your work that you can put on your iOS/Android tablet as well (using TestFlight). I can do mostly anything you want but here's a quick list of the type of things I can do:
Panning (2D & 3D) via mouse/touch. So it could be a side scrolling scene for example. Or panning around a 3d world.
Rotating a camera around an object (or rotating an object)
Zooming in & out.
Changing camera with various fades.
Lighting (preset or I can add debug controls so you could set your own lighting)
Animating - Playing your animation on the spot or actually moving and interactive (via touch/click/buttons, etc)
Music - Just send me an mp3/wav, etc
Various shader effects - Pre-existing shaders though, I'm not a shader coder

Interactions - Touch/click anything in the scene to have it 'do something'
Camera moving along a path through a level.
Particles, etc
and whatever else you can think of.
If you don't want to swap skills then maybe we can work something else out? BTW, I live in the UK so if there are any artists here around London then please contact me.
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Mouse orbit, first person controls, third person controls, with a little fiddling around in Unity3d, allot of the stuff you list can be done for free already. Plus there are lots of scripts available on the internet for free as well.
Also the pre existing Shaders in Unity can be kinda restrictive for current gen models.
Basically, I'm saving an Artist time by doing what I do best so that they can do what they do best.
I could create my own artwork, but it would take me forever. A real artist could do it quicker and better. So why not just swap skills and save each other time and get better results?