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Mip Map help!

polycounter lvl 8
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BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
So, after implementing some relief mapping on a piece of terrain we've run into an issue with aliasing/flickering when moving around. http://www.drobot.org/pub/M_Drobot_Programming_Quadtree%20Displacement%20Mapping.pdf points to a promising solution, but there's a catch: it requires mip maps for the relief maps to be generated using a min rather than an average function (wherein 4 pixels sampled would choose the darkest pixel, and put that into the mip map rather than averaging the grey value of all four pixels).

I have no idea how to do this, nor can I find a method for it. It doesn't seem to be supported in nvidia's .dds exporter. Anyone here know how I can save out min mip maps instead of average mip maps, or if someone has published a Photoshop script/action for doing it online somewhere?

Thanks! :)


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