Here is what the boots look like.

:poly127::poly127::poly127:ZBrush corrupted my scene so it is GAME OVER MAN!:poly127::poly127::poly127:
I should have been exporting out my lows as I was creating them but I didn't. Lesson learnt.

...... Well played ZBrush.......... well played.
Found out the other day that I have cracked rib so....... all rest and no exercise makes me do art.... ahh faster ( I hope )
actually picked up a pencil for the first time in a while to nut out a quick concept.... its not great but it gets the point across.
Also started the sculpt.
more soon.
His tail feels a little to wide at the base though, like he doesn't have an ass at all.
@ ScudzAlmighty : Thanks man
not much to say really. Just starting to add details.
Thanks again everyone.
still blocking out. I need to make a holster for his gun and then I have to start with the cloths.
Rather than portraying a traditional escape, I am thinking of making him the main character of a book \ newspaper story of a lizard who only just escapes a life and death situation with a massive space fly.... or something else.... still nutting out the details.
Have you thought about varying up the eye sizes, as was done with Rango?
@ Guedin : hehe Thanks. I hope you are gonna get in on this action too, I am really wanting to see some new rads from you.
@ popawheelie : Hey, Hey, Hey, Mr Kelsey. how you going dude. Long time no see. :thumbup:
Still pooting out some details. Started working on some threads.
Thanks everyone.
super rad so far dude, keen to see what kind of enviro you put him in. Dig all his little gear bits you got on him
I know it does not look like it but I have done a bit. Re topo'd, played with the insert mesh brush, made shoes, made buttons (not that you can really see them from here). Doesn't really look like it but there is work there. Also rib has healed enough for me to start jogging again and get back into my Krav Maga class (only lightly). bit of Crunch time at work as well so spare time is hard to come by at the moment but this weekend SHOULD see some good updates......I hope
Thanks for all the kind words everyone have a great weekend :thumbup:
Great progress so far and I also like Sir Zapsalot.
@ Burnzy : Thanks. Sir Zapsalot looks like a popular choice so far. Cheers
@ ScudzAlmighty : haha I am glad you picked up on the Star Wars vibe. His outfit is pretty much a Han Solos. with a heap of belts and no vest. I was toying with the idea of calling him "HAN COMODO"
Didn't get through as much as I wanted but I started the pants, and spent too long playing with the insert mesh brush for all the stitching.
SSSOOOOOO Slow, but he is getting there.
Thanks again :poly124:
Did you create the imm brush or is it a download?
I will try to post more vision friendly screens in the future
Nah the insert mesh brush was home made, no multimesh either, those shits were all individually drawn down and tweeked by hand, such a pain. I need to look into the multi mesh brush that looks like it would have saved me some time (...if I understand it correctly...((which would be unusual for me)))
looking forward to see it progress
spam update.
Think I am pretty much finished with the belt stitching.
Going to start with a little bit of strapping on the belts and on the handle for "sir Zapsalot"
AAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHhhhhhhhhhh!.......... still sooooo much to go. Not so much BIG stuff but more detailing shits..... ohh well back into it.
Thanks again everyone
@ AimBiZ : Thanks. Yeah I wanted to go fro squarer fingers but they didn't quite fit in. so I gave him some finger scales instead
Had a brief break to do some other ahhh stuff that did not pan out, but hay you can only try.
Either way I am back into this dude now so here is a little update.
-Added block in horns
-Block in scales
-block in gloves
and I don't know probably some other things too.
It reflects your sculpts and characters aswell. Eeeexcellent!
Loving it! The stitching turned out great
His eyes looks like eggs wrapped in some kind of cloth... But i'm sure you'll fix that