Hi All!
First of all, i want to say: Thank you Polycount for this epic contest! This is really cool!))

Destructed medieval town after the battle. There is still the war's feeling in the air. They fought hard, but they had no chance to resist such a big army. Some of them tried to run, after the walls fell, but NO ONE ESCAPED!
Current Progress:
Wip ground shader


Good luck to all, Guys!

Some of my references:
I will post the shader later when it will be finished and well organized. I dont have the concept art for my idea now. I'm working on it and will post it with the description soon. I think, it should incorporate with the "Escape" )
For now, i have some wood here:
Ok, here is my concept.
Destructed medieval town after the battle. There is still the war's feeling in the air. They fought hard, but they had no chance to resist such a big army. Some of them tried to run, after the walls fell, but NO ONE ESCAPED!
I was always wanted to make the medieval environment and I think Escape is a good possibility for me to do it.
So, what am I planning to do in this project? My main goal is to make as much realistic environment, as possible. I think it will be a little outside of the current gen grafics limitations. It does not mean that I will going crazy in my realistic aspiration))) I just will put details where I need them and I will use some complex blend shaders, like I did in the ground.
I need:
- wood logs modular pieces
- thatched roof modular pieces
- house details: windows, door, wood decoration ornaments, additional wood logs.
( all this wooden stuff will have the mossy pass in vertex channel to break up the tile repetition. Also it will have the damage pass with the burn texture in another vertex channel. So, this will give me the possibility to burn this town where I want it to be burned, without making new assets. I'm not sure, but i'm planning to put it all together in 3dsMax to have several houses, and not to combine modular pieces in unreal engine. )- 1 complex ground material
- vegetation: grass, bush, middle tree (maybe with burned version)
- early morning sky box
- props: cart, barrel (other little things if there will be time to do it)
- hanged man
- smoke/fire effects
Now, let's see what i could make to be in time)))And does anybody know how to change the thread title? I cant change it through edit the first post
And sorry, if my english is not very good...