Awesome challenge so i need to get in on this.
I thought why not depict a scene from my favorite movie and recreate the moment just before the Millennium Falcon escapes from Echo Base. So yeah Star Wars baby!
This will be my first major UDK scene and i hope i will lear a lot and have fun.
This is what i was thinking of doing.

After a few hours of blocking out last night, this is what if have so far.

Not much but it's progress.
Don't mind the edges on the HP cockpit. it's just a test
i am also in the process of doing the battle of hoth but outside ATAT+ SNowspeeder but not for escape.
I wish you good luck looks like its starting great!
Gonna really have to buckle down and get some stuff done this week.
Decided to do most of the small detail with NDO2 so the panels on the HP are not going into the bake.