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wacom dies but comes back with new cable?

polycounter lvl 12
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SSquir33 polycounter lvl 12
Hi all,
my intuos4 kinda jus packed up one day and threw loads of 'usb device not recognised errors'. the light isnt blinking,its just dead.

then i tried my camera cable, and suddenly it works?

did the cable die? is it a problem with my wacom, and more importantly, is it worth sending it to wacom for their repair/replace thing?

i could ride this 'new' cable out buuuuut im not sure why my wacom died on the wacom cable..any others experience this?

and another topic is, im upgrading to a v4900 firepro, any other peeps have experience with that? im mostly in maya/modo and run an amd system (phenom etc)


  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    SSquir33 wrote: »
    Hi all,
    my intuos4 kinda jus packed up one day and threw loads of 'usb device not recognised errors'. the light isnt blinking,its just dead.

    then i tried my camera cable, and suddenly it works?

    did the cable die? is it a problem with my wacom, and more importantly, is it worth sending it to wacom for their repair/replace thing?

    i could ride this 'new' cable out buuuuut im not sure why my wacom died on the wacom cable..any others experience this?

    and another topic is, im upgrading to a v4900 firepro, any other peeps have experience with that? im mostly in maya/modo and run an amd system (phenom etc)

    Cables die especially when they are used, twisted and pulled often, you dont need to send your intuos back. Just buy a new usb cable. You will notice a lot of the expensive headphones these days also have detachable audio cables for both ends for the same reason.

    Just search amazon or whatever online store for your region and look up mini usb (I believe). They are fairly cheap, and some will be higher quality than the default wacom ones.

    If you have any other mini usb cables from other products, those will work as well.

    As for the firepro, its a great video card though if you plan on doing game art I do not recommend it. Stick with Nvidia, you will have far better driver support, which is more important and access to cgfx shaders within Maya, there is also Cuda and the like. ATI cards are solid hardware wise, but you will find yourself limited and often with frustrations for the software and driver side.

    I have had both a fire pro and a quadro in my mobile workstation, and the desktop built specifically for art creation using Maya as well uses nvidia only. In fact, 2 x 560ti which is more than enough to handle whats being thrown at it. Also the cpu is a 6 core amd, which isnt as good as intels hyperthreading powerhouse cpus but still carries its own well enough for art and rendering.
  • SSquir33
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    SSquir33 polycounter lvl 12
    thanks! ordered a mini-usb 5pin cable on amazon ,the 'wacom' cable is 20pounds but a replacement on amazon is 3pounds! Ridiculous.

    ok before i had a 3750 (student days) and it was solid but your right alot of things went a-miss, cheers for input ! as soon as i get a better job ima build me an intel rig. amd seems to be going downhill (from what i read) =\
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Really? think right now the new 7K series goes head on or even better on some parts (and NV on other parts) right now. Even mari works on ATI cards now. If you want something stronger now i can't see a reason why not to go that direction. Maybe i'm missing something though. Don't know to much of those over expensive cards.

    On another note. Good to know SSquir33. I'm going to order myself a spare cable just to get a head start seeing that use and change cables a lot here.
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