So this is the scene I am currently working on.

I am working from this concept by Joseph Across
There is still alot of stuff wrong with the image (render settings, to much light, laser is just a place holder, steel
#2 wall not working at all, and more). anyway crits are welcome I am sure they will help me catch stuff I have not noticed yet. and also maybe help me prioritise what I should change.
Composition wise it feels a bit too flat. I would change the camera FOV/settings to get some better sense of scale.
I have one really good vray tutorial for render settings I can link here later if that would help you out. it helped me understand alot better how to build render settings instead of just throwing in values that other ppl had listed onine.
@MisterSande take a look at this tutorial I found it really helpful
No need for this. High Poly modeling is in most, if not all AAA games a required pre-step to low poly modeling and of course baking the high poly.
Sure, there are differences when modeling high poly with a low poly bake in mind ... if you really want to get into games, than keep this in mind, when you get on with a "high poly-only" project.
The scene reminds me of something you'd make for Arch Vis. The quality looks good but I'm not a fan of the lighting and composition. My eye doesn't really settle anywhere so I'd try and focus on an object and add more contrast. Keep up the good work
@Optinium I agree with you about how your eye does not settle anywhere, my hope has been that when I get all the materials finished, and move it into comp for its final tweaks the glowing lazer along with subtle zdepth defocus will pull your eye to between the door and the striped hazard wall. there is a reflection of the door in the hazard wall that I mostly lost with my last round of render changes, and I am hoping bringing it back will help solve this issue. final render will also have higher contrast but I have been fighting with glossy stuff lately so I have not turned it up yet.
Today I will be working on the #2 wall as well as teh light inside the cubby hole under the bio hazard sign so I will post an update after those changes.
I am HOPING to be finished this piece by the end of this week, and moving onto my next two pieces which will be done in UDK. a quick Turret just to get used to the UDK material manager since I dont know UDK very well then I will follow that up with an environment probably around the size of this scene that I am working on now.
I wanted to post this one now to just get more in the habit of posting normally I just get feedback from people at work but I have lately been feeling like I am missing out on a great community so by posting this WIP I am hoping to get into the habbit of posting more often.
not much changed worked on the steel wall and the hazard light thing figured out what was causing the strange black spot on the glass on teh right hand side.
Some Feedback:
- Your image still needs more light focus in my opinion
- some textures really appear blurry (exit signs above the door, vitals on the display)
I believe you can get so much more out of this picture with less diffuse lighting. If you are overall happy with the current lighting then just keep it of course! Just my 2 cents as always
(I would handle this that way: Export all the geo in a new scene and just give them a basic non glossy and non reflective material and just tweak the lighting. Maybe some basic colors. This way you can really fast without big render times tweak the mood of the picture and when done just export the lights to your textured scene and test the intensities.)
The textures above the door I think I know why they are blurry and I will fix them right away but I amnot sure whats going on with the tv but you are correct they are pretty blurry. I will take a look at that and also look at the light this week.
How do you feel about the steel wall with the #2 on it? I am not sure I love the hexagons, but it breaks up the reflection alot nicer than when it was just flat.
It depends on what you want to achieve but from where I see it you could go 2 directions:
Option A) Leave them as they are but for me they have a little bit too much bump / normal / whatever you are using
Purely depending on what look you like, but I think option B would be worth a try and could give the scene some more nice detail to look at.
(sorry for the small resolution of the images but I think you get the idea)
You know the answer to that one