Alright, thought I would do less lurking and post something that I've been working on for a long, long time

To avoid any confusion, this is a High Poly model only (with some beauty shots).
Concept by
Khang Le
Any comments or questions are welcome.
Yes I know, I do plan on working on a LP version and texturing this eventually. But since the scope of this project is so large, I thought that I'd post the HP version for now. I need to work on something different for a bit.
There are more details at the bottom, in case anyone is interested.

Bonus shots!

For me this was really an exercise in High Poly modeling. I wanted to push my skills and make something complicated and high end. I eventually ended up with a decent sized greeble pack because of this which should be useful for future projects.
All the meshes should be (barring any errors) modeled correctly, meaning no triangles, 5 sided polys (although sometimes they are unavoidable), good edge flow, etc. At least I hope so

I tried to make this Mech as realistic as possible in terms of the model itself. I didn't want to have too much obviously intersecting/floating geometry.
Once (or if) I do get to the LP I know there will probably be some changes. Might have to modify some geometry to make the bakes look better. But that can come later. Here I focused on realism and function.
Ok enough talk. Enjoy.
AgentBishop Wow, I really missed that. I will fix the scale of the claw asap. Thanks for pointing that out.
what is your workflow for creating these "insets"/panels ? I know its easy in Zbrush but I cant get the same effect in 3DS Max atm.
I think he means how you separated the body into panels or different segments.
Some of these cuts were more difficult though, like the curved on in the back. It's the same idea, but because it terminates at a certain point you have to add special cuts to keep the turbosmooth looking good (like getting rid of tris).
Hope that helps.
Glad you like it otherwise.