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Undergraduate's 3D Body Modelling

Currently at university I am tasked with modelling the human body.

I shall be working on this through the next few days and weeks until I reach the deadline in April/May 2013.



At first the target was to create the base mesh.
I quite like the topolgy - it flows and yet is anatomically correct.





The next stage along the pipeline is to sculpt the mesh within ZBrush.
What I did first was to build up from where the muscles are, build where the bones and build the shape of the body, getting the proportions set up.





As of 1st March 2013, I am continuing to edit the sculpt and I intend to have it finished by Friday 8th March 2013.


  • carlobarley
  • [Deleted User]
    Thank you very much! That website will come in useful!
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I think you need to take a closer look at the shape of the head. The top of the head is really flat. Check out some pictures of human skulls and bald men - the top of the head is never flat like that. It almost looks like you ended the top of the end at the hairline in the reference picture.
  • Coldfusion2k8
    The topology doesn't flow. The mesh is very uneven.
    It doesn't resemble a human.
    Do you not look at that and instantly see the hands and forearms are way too small, and the feet flat and narrow.
    In no way does it look like your photos.
    I suggest starting again. No way should you be starting sculpts when the base mesh has so many fundamental errors.
  • jamiemurphy
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    jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
    Before attempting to add detail, really focus on the basic shape, to get the right shape use move/standard/clay brushes.
    The hands and feet are too small and the head is too square shaped, don't be afraid of making big changes to the silhouette.
    I'd use dynamesh until your happy with the shape then start adding details.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    There's no reason to start again. Just fix what needs to be fixed and then retopo.

    As Jamiemurphy mentioned, you'd be best to drop down a few subdivision levels and nail the body structure before you consider detailing. You've got a decent photo there to use as reference - you might as well drop it into the scene and use it as a guide.

    In addition to what's already been mentioned, the forearms are far too small. I think fixing the shape and size of the head would be a useful first step as it's handy as a guide for working out the rest of the proportions.

    Keep at it, mate.
  • [Deleted User]
    Took what you said into consideration and created the latest version of my mesh.
















  • RavenTheBird
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    RavenTheBird polycounter lvl 12
    Hi, i suggest you can turn off the realistic viewport shading in your preference, using the direct 3d as rendering for your viewport

    the realistic viewport shading you using now is quite hard to let you to noticed the topology going well when you building your model

    hope this will help
  • [Deleted User]
    Well since getting feedback from both Polycount and my lectures I realised that the arms were too short and that the anatomy was not quite right, such as the shape of the head.

    Interestingly I have managed to resolve these within ZBrush and then make the correct changes to my base mesh.

    Additionally my low polygon model had some polygons that had to be deleted.

    Realistically the low polygon model is ~9,800 tris, just below my 10,000 tri limit.





    The next stage was to unwrap the low poly model.

    This was a longer than expected stage in the pipeline.

    Realistically I attempted to base the unwrap of other artist's unwrap of their human models.
    This means that I have something to compare my unwrap to that of a professionally unwrapped models.

    One of the artist's work was found here, another was here , whilst another one is here, and the final one is here.

    Iy is worth noting that I added the hair polygons to the mesh, so I have something to attach the opacity (alpha) maps to when making the hair.

    I feel that the unwrap is not quote good enough, I feel that there is a size difference between the major parts of the body (torso, arms, head etc) and that this different make act against me when it comes to creating the diffuse texture. Is this a concern valid?




  • [Deleted User]
    Ah the past 1-3 weeks have been a most productive and interesting time, not only have I managed to get the majority of other modules done, albeit at the expense of working on 3D Body Modelling, but I have managed to get back on track with 3D Body Modelling after doing so.

    The stage I am currently at is the texturing process.
    As I am colour blind I have slight difficulty telling all the colours apart. I have managed to compensate through references.

    It is worth noting the tone contrast I have, underneath arms is quite pale, while my knees and feet are quite red, interestingly my thighs are rather pale. My upper back is also dark too.

    I started with the basic colour creation, bones, muscles, etc, and built from there, taking tones into account while looking at my references photos. I am surprised to see how pale I am.

    A little concerned with the contrast from light to dark tone, is it too harsh?
    Is it too red?
    I am a little unsure about the face, I feel I have got the wrong colours for the face itself.
    Looking back at it, I feel that I have not added enough light tone to add to the paleness, especially at the arm pits.

    More work on the way...








  • [Deleted User]
    I have made appropriate changes to mu unwrap. I felt that these changes were necessary in the first place, but I felt that there was a problem with normal maps when applied to an an area that overlapped.
    in order to avoid a conflicting normal map I may project the normal map onto one arm and one leg, rather than both at the same time.

    I took the opportunity to tweak and optimise my unwrap in general, I made a lot of changes according to principles from my research.

    Something else I wanted to o,d because it make both make it clearer and used up spare room, was to space the hair out. That way the alpha maps are easier to produce, the texture is cleaner to make and there is spare room that was just not going to be used otherwise.




  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Hey man, being honest I think you should steer clear of polypainting/UVing the guy and get back to the original sculpt, the forms of the body need a lot of work.

    Proportion (This is just scratching the surface) - You want the distance from the top of the head to the crotch to be equal to the distance from the crotch to the bottom of the feet - right now it seems the distance from crotch to head is larger than distance from crotch to feet. You may want to take a look at the 8 head canon for better guidelines on measurements. The skull also needs a lot of work and you should look at reference to get that right.

    Gesture - There's no rhythm or gesture to the sculpt, so you're ending up with a kind of 'meat tube' with no life to it, almost like a stick man in a stiff position which looks really unnatural.

    Forms - Right now it looks like you've subdivided way too soon as others here have already mentioned, so you're getting the 'blobby' look on the surface with no real definition. Its better to work at a low subdivision, blocking in large volumes and only subdivide when you need another level of detail.

    I would recommend checking out Loomis or Bridgman books and studying those 3 points strongly. Hope that helps, use loads of reference and keep working at it!:)
  • [Deleted User]
    Well, more or less complete...

    Just finished the report too, next stage is to seek feedback from lecturers and to see if I have missed anything.

    What a long module this has been, cannot wait to see for summer to enjoy. Got things to do and stuff planned: freelance work, getting my first car, practise using Blender and a few other personal things mainly to do with Portfolio.

    Been thinking about my FYP for third year, I may make an educational game using UDK, or a simulating an earthquake in UDK, I am yet to figure it out.

    Made a turntable for this model in UDK, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl23GZIjGyk"]here[/ame].













  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I think the problems in your model stem from problems in your observation abilities. This is pretty common with amateur artists, they end up creating what they think something looks like, often over-simplifying, as opposed to closely absorbing and understanding what things are really like, and applying that to your model.

    The body and facial hair just looks like it's been scribbled in, with little regard given for flow or direction. Compare to your initial ref to see what I mean. You over-did it with some pores and finer details on your model. The eyelashes are not coming out where they should be, and this looks very odd. The size and shape of the fingers is a bit off, and your choice to outline certain details in black on the hands is a stylistic choice that clashes with the rest of your model, where it seems like you were trying to achieve a more realistic look. In your final renders you posted, the specularity is really throwing it off. He looks like he is made out of shiny plastic. Again, this all can be fixed by closely observing your references and taking time to try and replicate what you see in reality.

    Not trying to lay into you too hard here, overall this is not too bad and everyone has to start somewhere. I hope you've learned a lot in making this.
  • switz
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    switz polycounter lvl 10
  • [Deleted User]
    Thanks for the feed back, I HAVE learnt a lot this semester and by doing this module.

    A lot of ideas, principles and anatomy, all of which I aim to apply in the future.

    Please keep an eye out for my future work as I intend to post it on here.
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