Hey guys, I really need your help!
I'm not sure if I'm doing a big mistake here, but my dota2 isn't compiling the .mdl...
I've tried to:
- Checked other polycounters issues
- reskin
- clean my history/non deformer history
My models were ok yesterday! I could import them and see them on the game, but for some misterious reason I'm getting this error today

Starting compile of OmniPuri...
Compiling TGA: materialsrc\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_color.tga
- Compilation successful.
Compiling VTF: materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_color.vtf
- Compilation successful.
Compiling TGA: materialsrc\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_normal.tga
- Compilation successful.
Compiling VTF: materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_normal.vtf
- Compilation successful.
Compiling TGA: materialsrc\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_mask1.tga
- Compilation successful.
Compiling VTF: materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_mask1.vtf
- Compilation successful.
Compiling TGA: materialsrc\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_mask2.tga
- Compilation successful.
Compiling VTF: materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_mask2.vtf
- Compilation successful.
Compiling VMT: materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.vmt
CTargetVMT::Compile OK! - materials\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.vmt
Compiling DMX: models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.dmx
- Compilation successful.
Compiling DMX: models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri_lod1.dmx
- Compilation successful.
Compiling QC: models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.qc
- Compilation successful.
Compiling MDL: models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.mdl
CTargetMDL::Compile Failed - f:\jogos\steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\omniknight\0x0032b798\omnipuri\omnipuri.mdl
PS: I don't why there are spaces here on the pasted log, but I'm not using any spacing on the output name.
I already tried to change the Output name, with and without Uppercase, spacing, deleted old folders, but no success at all.
Please polycount, help me :poly122:
You mean, the output name? There aren't any spaces on it!
These all appear to have a space after the "omnipu" and before the "ri".
Trust me, that's not the point,literally .
guys I believe is the LATEST UPDATE
quote what I asked before....
I wouldn't even where to start a new POST here, so I ask here.---
I used to publish new items for dota2, (sven, slark, silencer) and all went OK,
after the latest update (the 2nd of march) I cannot even test my models, not even the ones that worked just fine before...
what is it all about?
I get some CTarget.mdl error (failed do compile)...
why is that?
what happend with the latest update of dota2?
no one seems to respond on this,
I even asked valve (on official web page) a bunch of addresses, and nothing...
pls help,
or is it a way to get rid of people that try submitting items?
thanx a lot